I'm using redbearlab's nrf51822 board. It is a arduino compatible board and hence it is using 0,1 (mapped to 9 and 11 for nrf51822). How do I make printf print to this...
An external PA/LNA is used to extend range of nRF51822, and S110 is used for BLE, How to switch between PA and LNA? and how to disable PA/LNA when there isn't transceiving...
Can anybody help me to run ble_peripheral example (ble_app_hrs for S130). I have build and load the code successfully but cant see the advertisement. But while debugging...
I am working with the nRF8001, and I'd like to create a services.h file that will let me broadcast battery level and as well as allow temperature to be read by a peer.
Hi We have an application where we what to read i2c sensor data over the air to an iPhone. We've taken ble_app_uart_S130 project and grafted in some twi_hardware code. There...
I am interested in the S130 ability to hold 3 central -> peripheral links over BLE, and am looking for some evidence that this has been accomplished with extremely low-power...
I'm trying to implement channel scanning in our nrf24lu1p based USB dongle.
I'm following the specs and basically loop though each channel ;
stop listening
I'm working on a program which sends 20 kb of data (sending 16 byte at a time) with one condition which is that indication should be enabled first. the first function checks...
Hi. i use SDK 9.0.0 and S130_1.0.0.
I want to recieve data from My peripheral S110..
First, I try to recieve data using example "ble_app_uart_c_S120-master".
I could...
Conditions in www.nordicsemi.com/.../Why-can-Master-Control-Panel-not-find-my-Master-Emulator-Dongle have been met, ie all components of PCA10031 have installed successfully...
in the answer of this question it said that :
You are also not allowed to send a new
indication until the previous one is
confirmed. This is signaled by the
I found this: github.com/.../nordic-nrf52832-gcc and tried to add it (and its dependency to the nordic-nrf52832-gcc 0.1.0 target to yotta with no luck. Is there a description...
Is there a maximum consecutive receive time similar to the maximum consecutive transmit time? I am operating in 1 Mb/s ESB mode. I am seeing the Rx get disabled approximately...
I am developing a ble program for the nrf51 DK using mbeds api and it is supposed to send 11 packets (notifications) when written to a specific handle. So far it works, but...
I'm receiveing this error 7 on line error 296. the only APP_ERROR_CHECK on line 296 is hci_slip_rx_buffer_register . this documentation doesn't not give any description of...
in the document 'nRF51422_PS_v3.0.pdf' ,Page 167, there is such statement
'The selected analog pin will be acquired by the ADC when it is enabled through...
Hi !
According to application requirement, we need to minimize the RSSI variance of the BLE beacon as small as possible. Our RF team has tried to minimize the 37/38/39...
I am trying to bond the nrf51-DK with the android smartphone. I want to display the passkey to the user which would be done using BLE_GAP_IO_DISPLAY_ONLY. After which...
Hi, would there be any drawback in setting TIMER_PPI_CH_START to 11 to maximize the number of free PPI for application. 14->15 should be free to use in timeslot and ppis are...
hi, i am new to embedded system.
I am using SPI interface to collect data from the slave(imu) and transmitted it to nrf52 DK,previously,I just used RTT to show the received...