I'm using QT + QBS + bare-metal + gdb + openocd + stlink(debugger). I want to print into qt-terminal debug information. How Can I do this feature?
int main...
I ran the ble_aci_Tranport_layer_Verification.ino sketch from the Nordic BLE library and I get no output to the serial monitor after "nRF8001 Reset Done" is displayed. I think...
I am trying to debug my code today and am finding that Eclipse is constantly breaking execution at the INLINE function app_timer_evt_get(). I do not have any break point set...
the DFU of the "Master Control Panel" (Android) can not complete the upload mission.
the DFU of the nRF-Toolbox in iOS is
work well.
I just tried out the new iOS nRF Toolbox 1.5 and it doesn't seem to handle long init packets.
I gave it a zip file that contains a 137216 byte 'application.bin' and a 192...
Hello everybody,
In the SD_EVT_IRQn ISR I check for BLE and SoC events and set flags for each so my application can fetch and dispatch the events in the main context. ...
Hi, in the example bootloader in sdk 7.2, there is an assembly code block in SVC_Handler, in dfu_ble_svc.c.
I found that the offset in line:
LDR R0, [R1, #24]
Hello Nordic support,
My application is a Zigbee coordinator application on nrf52840 based on nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.2.0. I was able to pair a Zigbee end device...
We are cons id ering using a nRF9151 on our upcoming project and we want to use the A-GPS functionality via your Nordic Cloud and transmit this via CoAP. However some questions...
I’m trying to implement DFU upgrade of NRF5340, I can send the image (./build_5340_app/build/signed_by_mcuboot_and_b0_s1_image.bin) to the device when running and it seems...
I spent a solid two hours debugging an interrupt pin that was not working, to discover that the problem appears when configuring a callback in another part of the...
nRF52832 & nRF Connect SDK 2.6.1
We would like to reserve some internal flash for user configuration data that would be written in production like
and read by FW but...
We are trying to add CarbonDioxideConcentration cluster in matter. we are able to add temperature and humidity clusters and values which are updated are getting read in chip...
I'm using nrf7002DK to test the wpa2 enterprise mode connection, but it has some problem for connecting. I'm using ncs 2.8. logs output didn't show "connect success", but...
Hello,Nordic team
I am programming with nrf52833 and ncs v2.9.0
I am going to do dfu not by YOUR example(FOTA or UART……)
I flash_write() data to image-1 address,and...
Very new to Zigbee. Trying to use nrf 5340 dk as a Zigbee Coordinator to connect to a Thirdreality and a Sonoff PIR motion sensor. No modification (expect adding...
I am using the solution for this exercise to have MCUBoot use the nrf5340dk's external flash for the secondary partition in my own project. I have done the following:
Hi, I am using an two nrf5340 with hci_ipc enabled one acting as central and one as peripheral built on v2.9.0
The issue I am having is that the supervision timeout doesn...
I have a question about official suported Bluetooth version on NRF5340, becase there's some conflicting informations.... On this link, it's written " Bluetooth 5.4...
I have nrf52840DK less than 6 month. It has been sitting in my drawer and has some sample code in it which is detecting button press and light up corresponding leds.
I face a 3mA consumption while I have CONFIG_PM=y and wether or not I have CONFIG_PM_DEVICE=y.
The idle thread is reached and executed :
And the idle thread...