Hi, could you please tell me if my assumptions below correct?
Measuring a (ratiometric to VCC) analog signal and selecting VDD_1_2_PS as the reference selecting AIN_NO_PS...
When I initialize the SoftDevice with SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM, false); // Sets up Crystal Source to 20ppm 32.7628kHz
The project I based...
I am trying to make a product with NRF8002B. I finally have the product prototyped. The user will connect to the device, beep, light up, and track. It will always stay on...
It seems that "Flow Control" signal is not available on nRF24AP2-USB.
EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_START event message appears only one time after the first data packets...
I am looking for cheapest (up to few hundred USD) and simplest Arduino basic solution to track real-time RFID tags distance (also direction if possible) without additional...
Hi all,
I am new to Nordic semiconductor but I could be interessed by nRF9E5. To check if it could fit my requierement, I would like to know if it possible to configure...
We are using our own custom nRF52832 based board, with revision B silicon however we are having trouble getting trace functionality to work.
Our code uses the Nordic...
I am going to design a new product around nRF51422 and I am planning to buy the nRF51 DK but I am really confused about the sw I need for development and additional...
I found this recent Q&A very helpful on the topic of reading voltage on analog hardware pins via the ADC: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
In that Q&A, a helpful Nordic person...
I want to use the MultiActivity Example with the nRF52 with GCC and Eclipse.
In the documentation I ve read that S130 and S132 are supported, but in the directory of the...
When I using the UART port, if I float the port after init the UART it will restart the code, is it need a external pull-up resistor? How about the value?
A quick one, where do I find a list of the err_codes? I have had a look in the documentation and I was expecting to find a table of them, but I couldn't locate one.
I am trying to send a notification to a peer device when a certain event occurs. To do so, I'm using the same procedure as with every other characteristic with enabled...
I used the example of the ble_central\ble_app_uart_c and ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart.
It seems no problem for operation when I check only this example.
But I modified this...
Hello Everyone ,
I ahve deveoped the custom board using NRF51SOC and i have flashed the custom board by usign P20 Connector referred below figure now i would like to debug...
If I let the SoftDevice write to my variables directly by having the characteristics point to my app's variables through BLE_GATTS_VLOC_USER - when are these variables actually...
HI,i have some problems about RSSI (51882)
BELOW IS MY CODE. who can tell me why I can not get RSSI from variable t
int main(void)
uint8_t *p;
uint8_t t = 0;
In S130, both central and peripheral modes are enabled. How do you enable just the peripheral mode and not the central mode for S130 so that less RAM space is used...
I am just working through the tutorial on radio notifications and imported "ble_radio_notifications.c" to my application folder and included the header in included directories...
I use NRF51822 Bluetooth 4.0 e-val kit.
souce code is peripheral example.
so, android smart phone and NRF51822 is connection.
result, Pairing success. occur On_ble_evt...