Hi, could you please tell me if my assumptions below correct?
Measuring a (ratiometric to VCC) analog signal and selecting VDD_1_2_PS as the reference selecting AIN_NO_PS...
When I initialize the SoftDevice with SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM, false); // Sets up Crystal Source to 20ppm 32.7628kHz
The project I based...
I am trying to make a product with NRF8002B. I finally have the product prototyped. The user will connect to the device, beep, light up, and track. It will always stay on...
It seems that "Flow Control" signal is not available on nRF24AP2-USB.
EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_START event message appears only one time after the first data packets...
I am looking for cheapest (up to few hundred USD) and simplest Arduino basic solution to track real-time RFID tags distance (also direction if possible) without additional...
Hi all,
I am new to Nordic semiconductor but I could be interessed by nRF9E5. To check if it could fit my requierement, I would like to know if it possible to configure...
I am using ADC without external reference and no analog input in order to measure the battery level with a timer (code at the end).
I am also reading several ports...
Hi. I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130.
I'm testing External interrupt.
Current concumption was just 50uA around(low speed advertising mode).
But It goes 1mA around...
I'm working on a network of nodes with more than 300 nodes
each node is constructed by (1 arduino nano,humidity sensor, 1 relay and NRF24L01 +)
I'm working with the...
Hello. I'm trying to understand twi_sensor sample code on nRF51. (nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\peripheral\twi_sensor)
I have a trouble finding where the function twi_handler...
i've bought the nrf52832 Preview DK some time ago, are there any big changes to the new DK? So if i buy a new nrf52832 IC i can desolder the old IC and use the new...
If I have some value and this value has become out of desired range I want to change property from indicate to notify.
I only found function sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add...
I'm developing an application for a device which needs to support both DFU and some method of restricting connections to a single central (ie: bonding). This is a challenge...
Is there have any tutorial for how to create GATT service on the MCP(master control panel app) and what coding do we need to add to the project?
Hi, I would like to put a nrf51822 device into system off mode and wake it up with a GPIO transition from high to low.
I would like to measure the press time of the button...
I'm using JLinkExe ( J link commander ) for Linux to flash the application firmware on NRF51822_QF_AA target. The following have worked so far, but I'd like to confirm and...
I am upgrading to SDK 11.0.0 and S130 v2.0.0 from SDK 9.0.0 and S130 1.0.0 and I am stuck with an error when I call sd_ble_gap_adv_start. Here's the code that now fails...
I have the following two lines with pin 21 not connected to anything:
nrf_gpio_cfg_input(21, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP);
uint32_t value = nrf_gpio_pin_read(21);
I would...
I'm trying to flash my SeeedStudio Tiny BLE board (nRF51822 QFAA) with SoftDevice S110 using Keil but it doesn't look like it's going to let me. I'm just getting...
i am having some trouble getting my nRF52 DK (S132) to read a value provided by the nRF51 dongle(S130).
First of all, i am very new to this whole Bluetooth thing so...