Hi Nordic,
I would like to re/program my device using a OTA BLE Bootloader but i don't want others to copy my firmware or at least make it very hard. As far as i know there...
After modifying the ancs example to remove the data and control points, the event_connect() subfunction in ble_ancs_c.c gets called immediatly upon a connection to a master...
Using nRF51822, I define keys and pins as follows:
Keyboard key
Mouse left/right key
Mouse move (up/down/left/right)
Media play/pause key
Pin 0 Mouse...
The bluetooth device keeps getting disconnected from the app, even when its not 'idle'.
I am using the android app mentioned here .
I need help getting started to solve...
Moving from SDK version 5.1 to 6.0, the buttons on my PCA20006 beacons no longer works as expected. When I press a button, it seems to register the release of a button incorrectly...
I posted another question along these lines, about using the Timeslot API to get observer behaviour with the S110 v7.0 SD, but I am having trouble getting it to work.
I've looked at the example codes provided by Martin in these two topics for communicating to a MPU6050 through TWI:
1- devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ (uses SDK 9)
When we add a uuid will follow the steps below
err_code = sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(&nus_base_uuid, &p_nus->uuid_type);
// Add the service.
err_code = sd_ble_gatts_service_add...
I was looking the way to set different tx power values and also figuring out a small bug in the interface when you switch among payload models and payload length is >1.
Using nRFgo Studio as the interface I try to download the file “set_in _test_mode.hex” and get the error above.
What are the proper steps to get DTM...
I am trying to reset and halt the target nRF51822 under SWD protocol.
Could someone point out the register to achieve the same? I looked up the reference manual but couldn...
I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130 and "ble_app_uart" as reference.
As I've researching nRF51 with Central device,
it returns
Packet 0 : 020105 0c094e6f726469635f55415254...
I'm using long write in one characteristic but if I try to configure this characteritic with write authorization (attr_md.wr_auth = 1) it doesn't work. I need to send...
My setup is as follows
1 Gyroscope + Accelerometer
1 SPI Flash device
I want to set up the PPI to periodically sample the MEMS devices and the RTCC...
I am trying to remove the use of the frame pointers for bootloader_util.c because I am getting the error : "r7 cannot be used in asm here", but I only know how to...
I use nRF51822( BLE nano) central mode to connect annother BLE nano (ibeacon mode), then I call disconnection to the peer address. Sometime, the disconnection callback will...
i am trying to send data using ble_uart app.
in this app i am using timer difference to send data. when i am getting 1st data in uart event handler. when i am printing...
I would like to implement DFU OTA updates without the Master Control Panel, and I have a couple questions:
Is there example code for the client-side of the DFU service...
Our personal phones are set to auto-update iOS apps. Unfortunately our team all got the latest version of the NRF Toolbox app (v2.5) released on February 5th, 2016.
i want to execute a block of code in which timer should start. and stop at end of the block. and the timing depends on manual interrupt. and restart again when the execution...