I posted another question along these lines, about using the Timeslot API to get observer behaviour with the S110 v7.0 SD, but I am having trouble getting it to work.
I'm interested in creating a time of flight algorithm and am trying to calculate what to expect for accuracy.
Is it possible to get an IRQ from when the sync arrives at...
hi all ,
how to enable GPIOTE PORT and IN[n] event simultaneously ?(not same pin)
i enable the GPIOTE to trigger interrupt event.
one for the keyboard which need multiple...
Hi All,
I am using nRF51422 with softdevice s310. And implementing Cycle speed and cadence receiver. most of the data processing is fine but i am facing one problem.
Hello Nordic Team,
I have a problem with programming the nRF24LE1 chip.
I am developing a small system, which consists of a uC STM32F4xx and a nRF24LE1 Radio Module. The...
I'd like to learn about the app compatibility for the new OTA DFU that ships with the new SDK 6.0.0 and S110 7.0.0. I am using a nRF51822 board and I've observed that...
1.Can we use the Timer0/Timer1/Timer2 for doing something?
2.What source of IC the SD have used?
3.What source of IC we can use for our application?
4.I used the compare...
Hi - I am completely lost and I'm really hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm simply trying to get started with the nRF51922 development kit and nRFgo Motherboard...
I opened both the NordicSemiDemo.xcodeproj and nRFDemo.xcodeproj in Xcode 5.0.2. When I try to run them (Product->Run), I get the splash screen in the simulator, but when...
this time i have some encryption related questions to ask.
I use the "BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_XXX" to enble link encryption, doese this correct?
can i set the encryption...
Quick question regarding the boot process of the nrf51822. If a bootloader address is written to 0x10001014, will the bootloader code always be executed, regardless of whether...
I am using ble_app_hrs for my application.
in this case ble has highest priority , next gpio then timer.
if i send continuous data over ble, by using function...
Hello Nordic expert,
In nRF51822_PS_v1_3, the max bit rates for SPI master is 8Mbps(section 8.8, page43).
But in nRF51822_PS_v2.0, the max bit rates for SPI master change...
I heared a rumour that the NRF581922 will be withdrawn and an other solution will become available. We have planned the 581922 for implementation and want te release the product...
/* YOUR_JOB: Use an appearance value matching the application's use case.
err_code = sd_ble_gap_appearance_set(BLE_APPEARANCE_);
APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); */
Do I still have to call sd_ble_gatts_value_set() on the characteristic handle [using whatever temporary buffer I would have been using anyway for BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK]?
I would like to use the app_gpiote files from Nordic in combination with the softdevice enabled.
In the app_gpiote.c file interrupts are enabled using the standard...
As far as I can see buttons_init() initializes GPIO and sets up button_event_handler().
button_event_handler() calls ble_lbs_on_button_change() and always set static uint8_t...
I have problems with my iPad to catch data coming from key presses of HID keyboard profile. First, I programmed the dev tool nRF6310+PCA10005 with the HID keyboard profile...