Connecting nRF9160DK and nRF7002DK for testing SCAN sample.

Dear team,

I am trying to test Wi-Fi scan sample with the kits nRF9160DK and nRF7002DK. I am aware of nRF7002-EK and it is taking time to get it. Since we are running out of time, we are trying to accomplish the same using previously said two DKs.

In the hardware,

I saw the ticket  nRF9160 and nRF7002 Wi-Fi controller connection and made the following connections.

Board nRF9160-DK(P3 & P4) nRF7002-DK (P24)
SPI CLK P0.13 P0.17
SPI CS P0.10 P0.18
SPI MOSI P0.11 P0.13
SPI MISO P0.12 P0.14
HOST-IRQ  P0.07 P0.23
IOVDD-CTR  P0.00 P0.31
BUCKEN P0.01 P0.12

Also I soldered the SBs from SB20 to SB25 on nRF7002DK.

I DID NOT remove the 0R Resistors R26-R31.

I powered both DKs seperately using USB cables.

Now, the firmware part.

I programmed nRF5340 on nRF7002 DK with basic blinky, to make sure it is not using any other GPIOs, that we are using.

Now, I opened the Wi-Fi Scan sample in VS Code.

Toolchain used is v2.4.1.

I added the overlay-scan-only.conf, nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns.overlay under boards.

I added -DSHIELD:STRING="nrf7002ek" and -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-scan-only.conf under CMake arguments in build configuration.

Build is successful, but when programmed, no UART output is seen.

Please help.

Thanks a ton in advance.
