How to set Transmit Power of my Advertisement Packet in nRF Connect SDK 2.5.1


I want to set the transmitting power of the advertising packet. How can I set the TX power?

I am using nRF Connect SDK 2.5.1 in Visual Studio Code.



  • Hi

    You can change the TX power with the following Kconfigs  CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_xx or  CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_ANTENNA. 



  • Hi, I have used the CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_xx for power setting. I have done a current consumption test to confirm the change in output power. I found a peculiar result for negative power settings, there are multiple current consumption peaks. For each advertisement taking different current. 

    My Observations:

    Tx Power Tx - Peak Tx - Avg Idle
    8dBm 28.62mA 15.65mA 776uA
    4dBm 19.59mA 12.38mA 774uA
    0dBm 13.71mA 8.2mA 774uA
    -4dBm 14.61mA 6.91mA 774uA 8.48mA 6.55mA Multiple amplitude peaks - unknown reason
    -8dBm 14.47mA 6.53mA 774uA 8.36mA 6mA Multiple amplitude peaks - unknown reason
    -20dBm 14.75mA 5.48mA 774uA 9.31mA 4.92mA Multiple amplitude peaks - unknown reason

    So is this the expected behavior or is there a issue? 

    I want to reduce my Tx Current consumption. I  read that if I enable DC/DC it will reduce the current. How do I enable it?

    I also want to put my device to sleep after stopping advertisement and in between advertisement to save power. How do it do that?



  • If I add CONFIG_SOC_DCDC_NRF52X=y in the kconfig file then it is saying 

    error: SOC_DCDC_NRF52X (defined at soc/arm/nordic_nrf\nrf52\Kconfig.soc:85) is assigned in a
    configuration file, but is not directly user-configurable (has no prompt). It gets its value
    indirectly from other symbols. See and/or look up
    SOC_DCDC_NRF52X in the menuconfig/guiconfig interface. The Application Development Primer, Setting
    Configuration Values, and Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices sections of the manual might be helpful

    So any other way to enable the DCDC mode?

  • if I add "CONFIG_BOARD_ENABLE_DCDC=y" to the proj.cofig it is showing below error:

    warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol BOARD_ENABLE_DCDC

    I have created a new board in NRF Connect for the board I am using. Do I need to do anything different because it has a different device tree file?

    Regarding the power modes I want to measure current consumption in "ION_RAMON_RTC", "ION_RAMOFF_RTC", "ION_RAMOFF_EVENT". Since my application is beacon I don't need to remember anything so I can turn off the RAM. I want to try all the three modes. Can you suggest a reference code to put the device in the before mentioned states?

  • Could you share your board files so that I can have a look at them? 

    Did you do as in step 6 here? If not, try to do it and see if it works

    I will need to check regarding ION_RAM_OFF and so on as I have never seen it used. But you could also check out 



  • I have completed the steps told in the document. But still getting multiple current peaks for each advertisement. The power setting in proj.conf is CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_0=y


    The expected current consumption is 10.3 mA in normal mode and 4.9mA in DC/DC mode. So anything I am missing? I followed all the steps in the document you shared to create a custom board.

  • I have completed the steps told in the document. But still getting multiple current peaks for each advertisement. The power setting in proj.conf is CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_0=y


    The expected current consumption is 10.3 mA in normal mode and 4.9mA in DC/DC mode. So anything I am missing? I followed all the steps in the document you shared to create a custom board.
