NRF52840 System ON Low Power almost reached but 1µA comes from nowhere.

Hi dear forumers,

I'm in the goal of achieving lowest current consumption on my PCA10056 DK board, with an nrf52840.
I converted a previous zephyr firmware who perfectly runs low current on PCA10040 to the PCA10056 board but it resulted with an abnormal current consumption.
The target with the nrf52840 is 2.35µA and I'm seeing 3.5µA.

1) To troubleshoot, I decided to build a new project from scratch using the simplest zephyr code and SDK 2.6.1. I disabled every possible peripheral in the device tree overlay.
Correctly cut the SB40 jumper on the board and measure with the PPK2 in ampmeter, and I still saw ... ~3.5µA.
Code Zephyr




2) Then I applied a software SYSTEM OFF (NRF_POWER->SYSTEMOFF = 1) just to be sure, and I measure 1.5µA, which is incorrect and should be ~0.5µA.


3) Thinking that my board might have a ~1µA leak, I decided to flash a firmware from a fellow developer on this forum (here 538705.zephyr.hex),  To my surprise, the current consumption dropped to 2.3µA between BLE advertising ! Open mouth
This indicated that my board doesn't have a leak and my measurements are correct.

So, the question is, why can't I achieve the same results as "ujur007" with my simple firmware?

Could it be the Zephyr version (v3.5.99-ncs1-1) ? The SDK version ?  Because This is clearly a software issue.

Here my HEX : 6165.zephyr_brotechnic.hex

Best regards.

  • Hi Vincent

    Sorry about the late reply to this ticket. Most likely, the reason you're seeing ~3.5µA here is because there is some minor leakage when measuring power on the nRF52840 DK so getting all the way down to the optimal current consumption on a large DK won't be possible. It will vary a bit from device to device, but it's rare to see a DK be able to go lower than 3µA. You can also check out this blog post explaining how to optimize power consumption on nRF52 designs.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Vincent

    Sorry about the late reply to this ticket. Most likely, the reason you're seeing ~3.5µA here is because there is some minor leakage when measuring power on the nRF52840 DK so getting all the way down to the optimal current consumption on a large DK won't be possible. It will vary a bit from device to device, but it's rare to see a DK be able to go lower than 3µA. You can also check out this blog post explaining how to optimize power consumption on nRF52 designs.

    Best regards,

