MCUMGR remote firmware update

| Host |  <---- UART ----> | nRF52833 (central) |  <-- BLE--> | nRF52833 (Target) |

I have a requirement where I hope to update the central's firmware image through the Host.
However, I also want the Host to be able to update the firmware image of the target through the central.

As a beginner, I'm currently unsure how to proceed.

From what I understand, it seems possible to enable MCUMGR functionality on the Zephyr running on the central.
But I'm not sure how firmware updates can be performed between the central and target.

Which nordic zephyr examples can I refer to?
or suggestions regarding this design architecture?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for information.

    The target which needs to be updated by Central and the image is from Host.

    Have any suggestions for it? For now, I am looking the smp_svr sample. 

    I was thinking that I have to enable the mcumgr at central and traget both. And maybe I have to create a proprietary mgnt command at central for forwarding the image to target.

    Could you please give me some comments for the thought or maybe it isn't a good idea.
