MCUMGR remote firmware update

| Host |  <---- UART ----> | nRF52833 (central) |  <-- BLE--> | nRF52833 (Target) |

I have a requirement where I hope to update the central's firmware image through the Host.
However, I also want the Host to be able to update the firmware image of the target through the central.

As a beginner, I'm currently unsure how to proceed.

From what I understand, it seems possible to enable MCUMGR functionality on the Zephyr running on the central.
But I'm not sure how firmware updates can be performed between the central and target.

Which nordic zephyr examples can I refer to?
or suggestions regarding this design architecture?

Parents Reply
  • Since the host chip does not have BT functionality, it is connected to the central via a serial port. We thought we could use mcumgr for updates directly.

    Currently, we are temporarily using the PC as the Host to facilitate our development.

    The target and central are connected via BLE, and we plan for the central to handle the firmware updates for the target.

    I was thinking to first transfer the target's firmware to the central's flash, and then have the central handle the firmware update for the target. Does this mean that the host chip, as well as the central and target, all need to be configured with mcumgr?

    All programs on the host, central, and target are using Nordic's Zephyr project.

    Could you provide any example programs for this architecture?

    Is it reasonable to extend a mgnt ID to determine firmware updates as a solution?"

    Since we are not very familiar with your SDK, could you please provide any recommendations regarding this requirement?