Connect cross power-domain to UART00 on P2 of nRF54L15 DK

Hi there!

May I know how to have UART00 on P2 like what is shown below as I wanted to have higher speed.

Is it the same as other UART assignments on P0 and P1?


Parents Reply
  • Thank you for uploading!

    Hmm... Yes, I see that it uses 921600 baudrate. 

    I also noticed that it says in the top row from here:

    That the core frequency scales with the CPU frequency, which happens to be 8 times faster than the frequency of the other UART instance. So there is probably the reason. This however, in my opinion, should be compensated for when setting the baud rate in DeviceTree (your DTS file). 

    I will ask our developers if this is the intended behavior. 

    By the way, I see that you modified the .dts file directly. While it works, it is not the intended way to change something in devicetree. The intended way is to copy whatever you want to change from the .dts or .dtsi files, create your own file called <board_name>.overlay, and place it in your application folder. (in this case, that would be nrf54l15dk_nrf54l15_cpuapp.overlay), and paste whatever you want to modify into that file. Then, in the overlay file, you can change whatever you want to. I'll attach your modified project, including the .overlay file, for reference.

    Best regards,

