Attached error log snippet for the reference.
Attached error log snippet for the reference.
Is this the nRF5340 Audio DK or is it you custom audio board?
Do you get issues with a later SDK version, say, v2.7.0 or 2.9.0?
SDK version v2.5.0
when I executing west update command using terminal, facing it is asking to select any applications from the multiple options. means west command is not working.
Could you attach what you see when you run west update?
It is asking to select app after west update command
Could you open the command prompt via Toolchain Manager as follows:
And then try the west update, followed by the west zephyr-export?
This steps worked for me. but still after building the code not able to scan Nordik advertisement. after building board is in red colour. can you please provide flash step for this sdk version v2.9.0.
This steps worked for me. but still after building the code not able to scan Nordik advertisement. after building board is in red colour. can you please provide flash step for this sdk version v2.9.0.