I am using the nrf9160 for an OTA firmware update application. I initially executed the fota download file from the http_application_update sample project in it's default...
Hello Team,
Could you please share some sample application or procedure to handle power modes (Sleep, Deep Sleep, etc) of the nrf9160.
Please let me know.
Regards, ...
I have tried twice to request for SUPL license for getting A-GPS working but it has been denied both of the times. I think first time it got denied due to mismatch...
Hi Nordic Team,
The atomic fifo implementation is based on armv7-M, right now I want to port it into cortex-A processor, I made some changes to get it compiled without...
Hi all!
Is that possible to identify witch client/mobile app is associated with the write request?
Lets assume that my device can handle multiple mobile applications...
We are trying to add serial comms to our project so that two boards can communicate with each other.
The code we have is as follows and works fine (prints to serial...
Hi, I have questions regarding consumption. Especially regarding the Quartz oscillator. I have read stabilisation is up to 0.4ms (very long). There is also the internal RC...
Freshly downloaded the SDK14.2 and trying to start a new development based on the fatfs example.
I connected a small Sparkfun SD card breakout to the SPI pin on my...
I am trying to read (the report map) and receive notifications (the report) from an HID device as a BLE central. The bonding process has been completedsuccessfully to my knowledge...
I am testing the capabilities of Thingy:91, the first day I could see data in cloud (temperature and other sensors + GPS).
Today usage of SIM card grows up but...
I'm trying to setup a new project and start experimenting with the nRF51 series. I'm a little confused about the needed files I have to add on the project to get...
SDK version: SDK 13.0
MCU: nrf52832
For the purpose of saving power, the peripheral disconnect the BLE connection in the program when there is no data transmission...
I am using nRF52832 EVM board with SDK 15.3.0 in SEGGER studio IDE, win 10.
When I am implementing sd_nvic_SystemReset(); in my code, that time i am not able to...
I have a custom board based on QIAA Reference Layout 1.1 Variant 6.
The application is built with Zephyr without bootloader and is placed directly on address 0x0.
Hi, I'm designing nRF52832 custom board, on 'single side' pcb.
To make VDD and GND lines connect, I used 4 jumpers, which have 0 ohms.
I designed with nRF52832-QFAB reference...
I used the ble_app_uart for pca10040e successfully on the DK52, now I'm trying to port that project onto actual nRF52810 chip.
This is my build configuration on SES (Segger...
Hello Nordic Support Team,
The question I have is simple.
Can I use the pc-ble-driver with the ble_connectivity_s140_usb_hci example found in SDK15.3.0?
If not why?...