I have a PCA10059 dongle. I have inadvertently configured pin P0.25 as the sleep debug pin and I use active state 0 as I am using off board LEDs with reverse logic. This means...
If you're working on a product that requires you to show and translate GATT Attribute (Service, Characteristic and/or Descriptor) UUIDs to Strings to the user, it's likely...
We have been trying the sendNotification call and after getting a success log we are not able to send a second notification. I'll copy the snippet of code that we...
I have a firmware developed on the nrf52840 development board. When porting it to nrf9160, a lot of errors were reported. How can I use the LOG output function on nrf9160...
Hi I would like to ask you for advice on how to solve my problem with Ble and the timer I am trying to add a timer to examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart the timer works...
We finally added WIFI to NINA B302, using a NINA W102 coprocessor!
Please, enjoy!!!
Here a portuguese BLOG...
Does anyone know of a library for the I2C LCD 16x2 display? I found the library by lovee, https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/23401/nrf52832-connect-with...
I am using nrf51422 dk board using sdk 12.3 and soft device s130 in keil5 ide. In our project i am using nrf51422 board as central and other controller Bluetooth board...
I'd like to evaluate the Rust HAL for the nrf52 family of devices. But before that I was asked to inquire about the stage of development of the HAL and the support...
I am experiencing an issue with the nRF52840 dongle and programming UART pins. First off, I have developed my application on the nRF52 DK and it works fine and now I am programming...
Hi , I need use the DFU ble without have to generate a packet with the nRFutil. I wan't put a open bootloader on the board, don't need to be secure just easy and fast. But...
I am trying to find the hardware datasheet for the speaker on the Nordic Thingy 52 - can someone help point me towards it?
My end goal is to learn about the characteristics...
I have been trying to implement the serialization for STM32L476. During my development I discovered that the deserialization of the SD_BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_CONFIGURE response...
We have a custom board with nrf51822 chipset, and we need to implement the firmware update process, which can support both over-the-air and uart type firmware update.
Hi, we are contemplating moving an existing application to a nordic chip, the nRF52832.
Our previous CPU uses...
I'm in the process of implementing a custom layer above ESB in order to allow more than 8 devices to communicate with a receiver (By tagging packets with a device ID)
I used nRF52 SDK V15 and tried to load the sample BLE HID apps into the nRF52-DK Development Board.
I tested both ble_app_hids_keyboard and ble_app_hids_mouse. Both apps...
We have exiting BLE 4.0 device, which should be updated to the mesh. nRF52832
In the DFU for BLE4.0 you could update the booltoader and the softdevice with one update, with...
Hi All,
I am working on fatfs example from sdk 12.2.0 on pca10040, nrf52 dk, nrf52832. And i did not change anything in the code but it seems that my sd card is not getting...
I started with the template app and added BLE services, and I'm continuing by adding a TWI sensor (I2C). I know there is a TWI_sensor example, but I already had some working...