Hello! I'm trying to develop an Android-nRF-Toolbox App. What features and folders do i use with show logs? In order to develop the uart in the toolbox app, we have deleted...
I thought this should be very simple but it has not turned out that way. I have started with the pc-ble-driver heart rate monitor (peripheral) example. I was able to take...
I building a gas meter monitor ( peripheral ) that transmit meter reading to the Central.
The gas meter will be sending to the Central it's ID and meter value ( uint64_t...
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks will host also this year a dependability competition to benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art...
I find the CSCS example program reading zero at low cadence levels below around 50 rpm.
Using ble_peripheral example ble_app_cscs loaded into the PCA10040 board or...
I am working on a ble nus pheripheral application on nrf52810 with sdk 15.2 and s112. currently I can connect to nrf52 with 4 mobile phone at same time and send&receive string...
I managed to set the UUID section on my own, but I'm having trouble reading and writing some data. I'm changing the on_write function in Ble_nus.c, but I can't get results...
When debugging one of the projects, I encountered the situation of a frequent reset of the device during connection. A quick scan under the debugger helped show the...
I'd like to develop and base on the " Experimental: ATT_MTU Throughput Example" project.
Seems like the example project doesn't implement the DFU (aka, OAD).
Hi Nordic,
In my custom board, I need to access peer data at quite early stage - to determine which board it is.
So my question is: Can I call pm_init() (in peer_manager_init...
I have a scanning application that uses pc-ble-driver-py to communicate to the nRF52480 Dongle on Windows 10. I'm using connectivity_4.1.1_usb_with_s132_5.1.0.hex in the dongle...
Does nRF905 communicate underground? I mean if I bury one chip underground would it be able to transmit to a receiver on the ground?
If yes, How deep could the...
I'm looking for a way to speed up connecting to a peripheral (IOS or Android device, nrf52 is central). I understood that caching data to avoid needing the discovery phase...
Scan in the background while connected to one Peripheral in a multi-linking central.
In this state, we confirmed that there was a period during which Central could not communicate...
Many of your descriptions of your product keep talking about Bluetooth 5 support.
For example: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Low-power-short-range-wireless/Bluetooth...
We are using the secure BLE bootloader from the nrf52 SDK versio 15.2. We did put in our own key files, but other than that I think that I don't think we changed much in the...
Hi, I am a beginner with nRF52840. In the SDK under modules/nrfx/templates we find a file "nrfx_glue.h".
This file contains macros that should be implemented according to...