VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
I am writing an iOS code using Swift3 to connect an iOS10 device to nRF52 pca10040 and blink an LED. The nRFConnect on iOS can easily connect using the device name...
void in_pin_handler (nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
This function work with interupt event (push...
here I have a very strange problem. I m trying to send the data(1 byte) from slave to master,and I have to use the multilink demo because I will have 2 slave devices.
I'd like to erase all the pages managed by FDS as part of a "Hard Reset" operation. fds.c has a hint of a "FRESH_INSTALL" directive (part of an enum defined in fds_internal_defs...
SDK v10
SD S110 v8
My pj is about ANCS+nus+hid mouse sevices.
If my borad had bonded with an iPhone,then download new hex from mdk ,and run.
I would like to develop FW for the nRF52832, using Eclipse IDE + ARM GCC + Segger JLink OB.
I've seen on the segger webpage that the nRF52832 is a Cortex M4 processor...
Using NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER in a non-static context doesn't work because the registered variable, and therefore the handler context is lost. How can one register for ble events...
I am using nrf9160 DK, we can download hex fiel for boardcontroller
nRF9160 DK board controller firmware
Based on the experimental_lpn example if have ported at application (light switch) to work as a low power node.
Everything work fine on the lpn node where i use the generic_onoff_client...
I tried to update bootloader on the dongle via DFU, but It failed.
The dongle uses OpenBootloader, so it does not check signature for firmware packages. But the...
I'm working on a project where we are doing the following:
Collecting sensor data and storing it in an external SPI flash
Retrieving that sensor data from the...
When publishing a message with access_model_publish() the p_message->p_buffer must be remain valid until all retransmissions have completed for loopback message but...
I want to modify the tx powel level to 4 dbm using sd_ble_gap_tx_power_set(BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_ADV, m_adv_handle, 4); after Advertising_Init function.
I could...
Testing with the NRF52840 dongle and the Power Profiler Kit. I see a reading of ~5uA when sleeping without SAADC enabled.
I use this code to enable SAADC
My power...
- DK 0.8.2 in which SB44 is cut, and P1 and P2 are connected - firmware v1.0.0 - program : asset_tracker - SIM: iBasis
Before updating firmware, asset_tracker...
Hello. Got such a problem. I use nrf52832 Adafruit Feather board. While working with BLE examples (Softdevice and app.), debug via serial works fine. Can see all the text...
I have a desig where the space is minimal and I have one nRF52838 and one nRF52840 microcontroller. Is it possible to place them at the same coorinates, but on oposite...
Hello everyone and Good day
I am a fresh graduate and its my first assignment at my job. I have to flash an LED at 1 Hz using NRF52810 BT 5 chip.
There are so many development...
I am using nrf51422 interfacing with Ti's CC256MODA Bluetooth so here can you plz tell me how to do pairing with the TI's bluetooth .How to give passcode to the device...