I'm having some issues regarding the data update interval when running the asset_tracker_v2 application, particularly with adjusting how frequently it publishes data to the...
Dear Nordic,
it's about USB implementation. We need to add interface string descriptor for ineterface name. Using USBD_STRING_DESCR_DEFINE(primary) I've added that to string...
Hello, I have NRF D 24LU1P 1201FD and NRF F 24LU1P 2136IW. The first one executes all commands, while the second one does not work for writing and erasing. I tried to erase...
Hi! Could you clarify a bit about Bluetooth mesh gateways' implementations. I wonder to know possible ways of Bluetooth mesh gateway implementations. How is it possible right...
I've either got a bug in my code or the JLINK connection is dying. Either way it's a real headache to pinpoint and discover how to resolve. Knowing more about extracting info...
Hi, Now I use the NRF51822 ADC to sample VCC , 1.2V internal reference,internal prescaling 1/3.The PCB connection show as the pictrue .My application develop base on soft...
I would like to make some measurements via I2C in radio_notification_evt_handler. Unfortunately, after executing a random number of measurements, the advertising stops...
I'm trying to make a BLE device that actually pairs securely. I posted this question on StackOverflow but didn't get any answers - maybe someone here knows more. As far as...
I am wondering which frequency tolerance is acceptable for the HFXO, as in the product specification, p.105, a maximum value of +/- 40 ppm for Bluetooth low energy...
I am using a PCA10036 board, and the UART app library in SDK 0.9.2. I have sequestered all of my UART functions into one module. To keep things organized, I would prefer not...
we integrated in a board design the one of the nRF51822 proposed by Nordic. It is written on the chip:
I can flash my board using...
I am writing a python app that uses the nRF51 dongle and the s130 SoftDevice. I need to pair with a peripheral that uses a fixed passkey. Is there a python implementation...
I'm trying to add authentication with a key acquired Out-of-Band to a Peripheral BLE device in which I already have non-MITM bonding working. I'm using the Peer Manager module...
Hi ,
Am using NRF52 ,S132 SoftDevice
I have a simple Question, How can I know is any device already bonded or not to my peripheral ??
I need to show an option "Delete...
I am using nordic_sdk_10 with nrf51822 USB Dongle. I did a eraseall
flashed my softdevice and dfu bootloader and did a reset. Now i can see advertisement report DFU_Targ...
I am using a custom board with NRF51822-QFAC-R7 and Master Control panel on Android. The DFU is working with test images from SDK130.
BL : examples/dfu/bootloader/hex/dfu_dual_bank_ble_s130_pca10028...