Using S120 V alpha, processing a BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP,
received 0x16 bytes of data but there is more to read. Next call to
sd_ble_gattc_read using the same connection...
Why Bluetooth Go to system-off mode, sd_power_ramon_set can not be stored. In D: \ RAM save nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364 \ nrf51822 \ Board \ nrf6310 \ s110 \ ble_app_rscs...
Recently I want to set up a dynamic network that with the node change this position ,the network will change dynamically.But there is the question,with the node's position...
Dir Sir. I am checking the current profile of nRF24AP2 in RX mode.
After "open channel" command, I found the peak current at 10ms interval until connection pass.
How does...
I am using Nordic's UART service to communicate with my project. I use iOS and also Master Control Panel (with a dongle) on a laptop.
I have two questions:
SWI*_IRQ is using by softdevice to send event to application, I want to know which priority does softdevice set for them?
Does sd_nvic_critical_region_enter() disable...
I am a started guy.
I only need a bluetooth device (BLE) to check the signal and mac address.
What is the best choice?
I need the smallest and low powered!
Thank you...
I have seen I can use the nRF8001 to broadcast as a beacon, can a second nRF8001 pick up this beacon? If not, what is the smallest device that will do the job?
Hi!I'm having some problems in adding a new library to my project (sdk 11.0.0,s130), I want to add ble_nus.h. I follow this instructions "" but...
I want to implement static passkey based bonding, using the nrf51822 on both sides[Central is not a Mobile phone].My sw for peripheral side is working with a mobile device...
I have this following picture on keil when i am doing the first TUTORIAL (in tutorial party), the example works but i don't understand why keil display this (red cross...
For a university project I'm looking to create a small Bluetooth based sensor network. For this I was hoping to get your recommended products to work with. I suspect...
Can anybody please tell that what are the specs for BLE l2cap layer? In BLE 4.2 core specification it describes l2cap for BR/EDR/LE but i am not able to understand that which...
Hello Nordic Community,
I need to know how to import my PCB design from Eagle to CST Studio to simulate it and I need to know if the simulation step will be useful to enhance...
Hi all, i am experimenting on the example "ble_app_beacon" on my smart beacon kit, but i have two questions about it (though they are pretty general):
When a connection...
Hi Experts,
I use TIMER_1 and PPI to driver a 'H' style bridge for our motor. Unexpected system reset will happen if I trigger the 'H' bridge PWM with ble connected. It...
I run the code of the radio_test example in a VisualGDB project. When I start it with a debugger connected, VisualGDB informs me that a ARM semihosting system call...
Hi, is their any brief explanation for nrf5-sdk-for-eddystone project firmware newly released by nordic. I go through the project but it is very hard to understand can any...
We have an use case that we may need to support up to ,say 500 sensor nodes and it may be added or removed dynamically. And we should collect all sensor data within 3 seconds...
Hi all:
Based the descriptions in data sheet, the GPIO9 and 10 are set to NFC antenna pins by default.
And I cannot control these 2 pin correctly by configuring the pins...