I tried to do send & receive binary data from bluetooth in ios app.
But i only can send & receive string or ASCII code data in my app, do you have any method or idea can...
I tried ble_app_hids_mouse with Android 4.4.2, it can work properly for first time connection. However, it cannot be re-connected after switching Phone's Bluetooth...
I have installed Keil MKD-Lite V and the Segger software (which linked to the Keil IDE). I have tried to install the nRF51 SDK (5 times) and every time iI get the...
I am attempting to get the DFU working as per the example provided in the S110 V7.0.0-3 download. I've followed all the steps in the readme in the DFU subfolder and...
Hi all,
I have an application where an nrf24le1 is communicating serially with another processor, using the UART at 57600 bps. I have multiple identical boards communicating...
after flash DFU program into pca10001 board, com3 is not accessible,
www.dropbox.com/.../Screenshot 2014-04-26 15.41.47.png
even after I erase all, and re upload soft...
Using S120 V alpha, processing a BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP,
received 0x16 bytes of data but there is more to read. Next call to
sd_ble_gattc_read using the same connection...
I currently have a dualbank bootloader setup and I'm trying to change it to singlebank. If I burn the singlebank bootloader with the jlink it works fine, but if I use the...
I modified ble_nus_c to manage multiple connections.
The first time (first client) i call sd_ble_uuid_vs_add in init, it returns OK. The second time ERR_NO_MEM...
but at least i get APP_UART_DATA sometimes .
most of the times i get APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR...
I'm trying to monitor the time a signal is high/low on a GPIO. It seems to work alright with timers and PPI, but I wish there was a way to reset the timer upon capture.
What is the largest possible value of "MAX_VAL" for application timer given below:
Since UART-BLE is an emulation of UART on BLE, is there a need for physical wiring of the pins (RXD, TXD)? Assuming I'm not using RTS/CTS as I have disabled flow control,...
I used to store 10 bytes to flash with pstorage under sdk version 8.2 and it always worked fine. As I also use the mesh app, the timeslot_handler dispatches the pstorage events...
The link below here, has a tutorial about using RTT debuging with keil.
I don't have keil and i use arm gcc compiler, can you please guide...
I'm using PCA10028 as central, SDK10.0.0, S130 V1.0.0.
I can discover 180A UUID and characteristic UUIDs which pripheral device provides such as 0x2a29, 0x2a24, 0x2a26...
my project use s110 8.0.0;I'm using nRF51422_xxAC.
And my project have 7 services.all the Characteristics is 81.
But after I had add 23 Characteristics ,I can't add...
I'm trying to get 128bit service uuid as referring to "ble_app_hrs_c" source code.(S130)
And my test peripheral device provides GAP, DEVICE Information and User service...
I've detected that when using the NRF51822 under Eclipse and GCC compilers, global variables are not automatically initialized. This is because an error on the startup...
I am having some issues figuring out how to send a simple string or character to my central.
What I want is the peripheral to send an acknowledgement back to the central...