We've been working on a product that utilizes a NRF51822 chip as well as WS2812B NeoPixels. Since there have been numerous posts about it here we've decided to release our...
Due to limited resources we are looking for someone who can help us with making a custom profile.
You are preferably in the Stockholm area and have done this before.
Just putting this here in case anyone else comes across this issue, esb_arm.lib and gzll_arm.lib don't appear to implement the work-around in PAN 18(in the version I tested...
I'm getting started and have an overwhelming amount of stuff downloaded which I'm trying to make sense of.
Which of the examples in the nrf51 SDK use the Softdevice and...
I'm using a NRF8001 shield with an Arduino Leonardo, everything connection wise seems to be working. I'm using the "ble_my_project_template" and uploading various services...
I install the j link driver for mac(4.78k),connect the ek,but can't recognition it:
Sens-Macbook:~ sen$ JLinkExe -if SWD -device nRF51822
SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.78k...
I'm usually cleaning out the older manuals when downloading new ones from the web site. Unfortunately the new EK user guide 1.2 doesn't show how to connect the nrf51822 UART...
I would like to use an idle loop for non critical tasks. Is there any way this can be done with the scheduler implementation? I don't want this to be time based, I just want...
I have worked with nrf24l01+ devices. In my project include single PRX with 100 PTX. Objective of this project is all PTX send packet to one common PRX device & PRX send ack...
I have the simple UART example working with the nRFgo motherboard laid out as described in the SDK docs, with 2p connectors on the RS-232 P15 and the SDA and SCL pins of the...
Hi All,
I'm just starting to use the 51422 DK and I do as the nRF51422_Developer_Kit_User_Guide,I have flashed the broadcast_tx of the ant_broadcast project in SDK and...
After I download NRF51822_0.9.0.HEX in PCA10001 v2.1, but the MCP cannot work. Anyway, PCA10000 is working fine. Do you have any solution about this? Thanks.
I have a nRF51822 development kit without the motherboard. I have done the Softdevice download to my PCA10004 with s110_nrf51822_5.2.1_softdevice.hex and successfully...
Hi all,
I am using PCA10004 with s110_6.0.0-5.beta and sdk_v5_0_0_34603.
I noticed that executing the command "sd_power_system_off()" does not switch-off currently active...
It looks like much more stable when I connect my BLE device to win8 but when I press the same button the mouse pointer goes different directions can you tell me why? What...