I try to run BLE HRS collector example.
when I run the project, in RTT terminal I have these error
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8...
Google open-sources the firmware needed to build hardware security keys
Google open-sourced today OpenSK, a Rust-based project to aid hardware vendors build hardware security...
I would like to store a simple integer value in the flash write and read after some event. I'm using the mesh example Dimming examples (experimental) in the nRF5 SDK for Mesh...
Has there been any success with getting the python bindings for the pc-ble-driver running on openwrt? I've succeeded with the driver itself but not the bindings....
Hi Nordic Team,
In my BLE project I'm creating a Test application which gets all the advertising data from peripheral devices. The complete list of scanned device is received...
Hello all,
According to the documentation and this feedback on a case there is a maximum size for a particular cert before nrf_inbuilt_key_write returns NRF_ENOBUFS . Can...
I am using nrf52840 DK, Segger Studio IDE, Win10.
My application is I want to transfer the image from iOS to the DK board.
I am aware of the Image Transfer...
I am new to ARM and nRF51822. I am using a development kit with the PCA10000 dongle and the PCA10005 daughter card. I wrote a simple C program (attached) to blink the LEDs...
Well, I'm a little in doubt on whether this is the right place to file a bug in the reference manual. Anyhow, I think it's easier and maybe it will prevent that another guy...
I updated the "ble_app_proximity" PCA10001 example for adapting the time constants of my needs.
In my device(nr51), have multi service and one client.
when i initial the client first ,then to setup service. this follow is O.K.
But, if i initial the service, and...
Keyboard source: Desktop 2 v1.0.5
Dongle source: 1. Desktop 2 v1.0.5 dongle hex; 2. Desktop dongle hex
I found it is very defficult to pair the keyboard with...
1. I have some puzzles,please give me some explanations,thank you!
In my design,I use some 51822 devices as tags which can communicate with the host.
The tags can send...
Hi, I want to know what's the differences between the NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_RC_250_PPM_xxMS_CALIBRATION and NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_xx_PPM where xx means a decimal number.
We've been working on a product that utilizes a NRF51822 chip as well as WS2812B NeoPixels. Since there have been numerous posts about it here we've decided to release our...
I want the NRF51 to respond to a received packet from a particular device using register TIFS to control the interfame timing.
For TIFS to work I have to set the...
Dear Nordic,
is it possible to build a simple data bridge at speed of 115200 and up based on nRF51822 with CTS/RTS support and a fixed pin code for nRF51822 pairing?
I am working on a multi-node network application with multiple transmitters and receivers and I have a question about timing for chips like the nRF24L01+. I would like to...
In my case i have gpio interrupt for every 25ms. so i change button detection delay t0 10ms.
and i given timeout in all while loops of twi_hw_master.c.
but my...
we have nrf51822 custom hardware.
we are flashing application through j-link.
but after every flashing , i need to do switch off and on the device.
then only...
I have no power on my nrf6350 display
I programed the board with the display jostick example but cant see nothing on my lcd of the nrf6350
any advice?