It seems the LTE-M / NB IoT isn't available Europe-wide yet, and roaming applies country-wise.
Can anybody share his/her experience of using the BLG840F?
thank you.
I am trying to build a thread network using a border router nRF52840 with a Raspi3B+ and 2 others end-devices nRF52840 connected on a CPU Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I have...
I have a nRF52 DK board and I am trying to build a BLE peripheral with both connectable advertisement (custom with my own name and service) and unconnectable advertisement...
I'm exploring the hid peripheral example with 52832 Dev Kit and made it working correctly. While, when I was tring to connect to it with nRFConnect, I found that the...
I'm exploring the hid peripheral example with 52832 Dev Kit and made it working correctly. While, when I was tring to connect to it with nRFConnect, I found that the...
I have a PCB with an nRf51822 @1.8V, using the SDK 10 (no chance to change it).
The PCB itself with everything but the nRF (we did not iron it on purpose to measure consumption...
I have downloaded the motion_driver_6.12 for Nordic Thingy 52 as given in the readme.txt file. And I am using Segger Embedded Studio to build and debug the code. But the IDE...
Hi Team,
What are the chances of pkt loss in case of concurrent observer, advertiser role using S130? Application is like in observer mode device need to observe some activities...
We have an nRFgo nRF24LE1 32-pin 5*5mm Development kit.
How do we program this as a stand alone application without nRFgo Starter Kit Motherboard ?
Is there any tool or...
Seeing the Log on wireshark for Central and peripheral communication after connection.
Here i am bit confused that when Connection update request is send by Slave after...
Hi, I try to access Generic Access to get device name.
So, I modified "ble_bas_c.c - ble_bas_c_init()" like this.
I want to find Bluetooth address of the Central Device which is running Master Control Panel Application....
but after succeful connection, each time I try to find...
I am using serial communication to have data from a sensor. That sensor only can support baud rate 115200 to communicate. Collecting data from that sensor I am trying to save...
Hello Everybody,
I have read these articles on the site : article_1 &
I need to do something like that, read around 8000 sample with sampling rate equals...
I used the app of nordic , that puts the system off in order to measure the current at that mode.
the example i used is at this link . ( system-off-wakeup-on-gpio...
I'm very new and looking at the PTR5518 breakout board. The docs below specify some of the pins:
Are the pins EN , RX , TX , RTS etc. tied to P0.08, P0.09,...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to use the One channel of Timer 1 for PWM generation and other channel is used to measure the pulse width of input square wave.
For above i need...
When I try to step through my code, I get a wdt event firing. I have tried setting the behaviour to pause during debug and sleep
void wdt_init(void)
uint32_t operationStatus...
I would like to measure BER and PER on custom board by using sample project that is included SDK.
Could you please teach...
I'm powering a Readbear BLE nano using a CR2450 coin cell battery. The firmware application is written using mbed. How can I measure the battery level of the CR2450...
can i use timer interrupt has more than 1ms period??
((uint32_t)ROUNDED_DIV((MS) * (uint64_t)APP_TIMER_CLOCK_FREQ, ((PRESCALER...