I'm trying to design a very low power sensor that takes readings using ADC and SPI 200 times a second. I'm a bit worried by the current EasyDMA uses (1.1mA). As far as I can...
Hi, I am working on a project where I want to make one nrf51288 chip as central hub and connect that to a android phone and other salve nrf51288 .
idea similar to this: ...
I have a code programming the nRF51422 development board to write to a Sharp Memory 96x96 pixel LCD screen using SPI.
Currently the code writes two numbers and a...
I've modified the ble_app_uart example by adding GPIOTE so that the transmitter sends a character to the receiver when a GPIO pin is toggled. This part is working well.
I am working on my hardware product having nRF-51422 chipset. I just came to know from forum post that
nRF-52 chips will get arduino IDE support as standalone. I want...
I've been using PCA10028 for a long time and I had some bricking issues but I've managed to un-brick it with "nrfjprog --recover" and everything would work again. ...
I want to build nrftoolbox app in android studio. I downloaded the zip file from the github website and also the required dfu library. I unzipped both the files in a folder...
Hi, i am new to embedded system.I want to use nrf52 DK as master and connected with two slaves by two spi channels? is it possible to achieve on nrf52 DK.
1>How to set up...
when i turn on the Keil, they have showed error to me
"Install missing Software Packs?
then i try to re-intall familypack...
I wanted to know How can I find if any application on any platform(Central device)is listening to my advertising packet or not !!
The whole idea behind this is to...
I have made a few custom boards based on the nrf51822 but on my latest design, I'm having a new problem that I haven't seen before. I have read the posts in the forums...
hi everyone,
i'm testing an application on pca10036 board where i need to create a large buffer. i use Keil v5 as dev. environment. My buffer is static and global, therefore...
I'm using 2 nrf51 DKs one as central and one as peripheral. I'm wondering if there is a defined time that a write takes to be registered on the peripheral?
This is a simple question: If I have a characteristic with, let's say an int16_t in it and catch the write event in a ble_gatts_evt_write_t structure - is the data field in...
I am working on bill of materials that asks for part NRF52832-CEAA, is this a valid part number as I have been told by distribution this is not a valid part number?
I just needed some clarification as I'm migrating from SDK 6.1 to SDK10:
app_button: There's no way to have the Button function thru the Scheduler anymore. I would...
i am using latest "master control panel" v4.0.5 and latest "nRF tool box" v1.16.2
and use sdk 5.2(its compulsory)
soft-device s110 v6.2.1(its compulsory)
and PCA10028 with...
Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me which pins are the programming pins of the nRF51822 chip for a QFN48 packet ? How can I program it on my custom PCB?
We are planning to use nRF52 for its superior computing power in an application. Unfortunately it appears that the throughput is more limited than on nRF51. Since we need...
I used two 51822 modules for my project. One should send a byte and other one should receive.
I used the exact same configurations of radio examples (transmitter and...
I am trying to read an analog value on the GPIO port into my application. Looking through the examples, there aren't any that help solve this problem as the ADC example is...
I have tried to follow the installation instructions and have installed nRFGoStudio, the Keil MDK-ARM, and downloaded the latest nRF52 SDK. I also installed all of the device...