I've been using PCA10028 for a long time and I had some bricking issues but I've managed to un-brick it with "nrfjprog --recover" and everything would work again. ...
I want to build nrftoolbox app in android studio. I downloaded the zip file from the github website and also the required dfu library. I unzipped both the files in a folder...
I have a device based on nRF51822 revision 2 and SoftDevice S110 v7.1.0. Because it is revision 2 it is affected by PAN44 and PAN45, and by default the SoftDevice...
Hi Guys,
I know this is more for software issues. But I was curious as to where I can find trusted case providers/makers for the nrf51822 Beacon. Can anyone from the community...
Has anyone converted the Adafruit graphics library for Arduino, Adafruit_GFX.h, to be compatible with the nRF51?
Could you please advise on how to convert this Arduino...
Hi all,
I have a few questions:
How is that ADC's common mode rejection capabilities? Rejection for 60 Hz interference, etc...
The datasheet has "typical...
I am developing a ble program for the nrf51 DK using mbeds api and it is supposed to send 11 packets (notifications) when written to a specific handle. So far it works, but...
I'm receiveing this error 7 on line error 296. the only APP_ERROR_CHECK on line 296 is hci_slip_rx_buffer_register . this documentation doesn't not give any description of...
in the document 'nRF51422_PS_v3.0.pdf' ,Page 167, there is such statement
'The selected analog pin will be acquired by the ADC when it is enabled through...
Hi !
According to application requirement, we need to minimize the RSSI variance of the BLE beacon as small as possible. Our RF team has tried to minimize the 37/38/39...
I am trying to bond the nrf51-DK with the android smartphone. I want to display the passkey to the user which would be done using BLE_GAP_IO_DISPLAY_ONLY. After which...
Hi, would there be any drawback in setting TIMER_PPI_CH_START to 11 to maximize the number of free PPI for application. 14->15 should be free to use in timeslot and ppis are...
hi, i am new to embedded system.
I am using SPI interface to collect data from the slave(imu) and transmitted it to nrf52 DK,previously,I just used RTT to show the received...
I am truing to store data in the UICR register "customer area" from application code. The procedure is invoked only once when the registers are still empty. The...
Hello all,
In controlling two devices simultaneously from one central controller, I have noticed significant time delays in processing the second call to sd_ble_gattc_write...
I am using PCA10028 board an SDK10.0.0.
nRF51's Max flash size is 256KB.
Q1. "s130_nrf51_1.0.0_softdevice.hex" size is 302KB already. How can we make HEX file less...
I'm using PCA10028 and SDK10.0.0, S130 v1.0.0.
And "ble_app_hrs_c" example is my reference code.
It works well before i add code for timer as below.
void start_timer...
Hi I am an student who is a poor fledging embedded engineer.
I met an error on using nrfgo studio
when I click the tab [Device]-[nRF5X Programming]
I used JLink_V510p...