Could someone give me a hint with the following problem?
I am using two example projects (ble_app_uart_c, ble_app_hrs) to connect a central and a peripheral.
I created xml file for heartrate server using bluetooth developer studio and the plugin nRF8001_Arduino (plugin nordic semiconductor for arduino)
the generated xml file...
I read this older post ( devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../) and have a similar issue but with enough differences that I felt it was worth a new question.
I have an STM32 MCU...
I am having an issue with running the initial blinky example that came with the nRF51 PCA10028 SDK in the Eclipse IDE . I will include screenshots of the issue. I believe...
I use nRF51-DK and nRF51-Dongle for a BLE sniffer.
Always the sniffer fails and marked with an error "Encrypted packet decrypted incorrectly (bad MIC)".
It can not be...
I'm using long write in one characteristic but if I try to configure this characteritic with write authorization (attr_md.wr_auth = 1) it doesn't work. I need to send...
Hi, I disassembled an Acer Mouse and saw a chip named "NRF A 3152c 1517UH". Can anyone identify the chip or provide me with the data sheet for it.
I've notice that the ST Balun NRF01D3 that I've used for my current design is not listed as compatible with Rev 3 (Build code: H) nRF51822 Silicon. Has there been any change...
Hi everyone,
I am looking into Crossworks and SEGGER's Embedded Studio and since they are related I am wondering which one of them is more recommendable? Right now Eclipse...
I have set ble_adv_fast_timeout = 0 (same problem with ble_adv_slow_timeout) to get advertising forever, but when in call sd_ble_gap_adv_start, i get error 0x07 (param...
Hi all
According the nRF51822 Product Specification V3.1, the 16MHz RC oscillator has a tolerance of at most 5% and can be used as clock source for the UART module.
I am trying to change an example code on ble_app_uart_c (Central) SDK10.0.0 s130.
I have changed already peripheral example and I can see notification data if I...
while flashing the device i get "Contents mismatch at: 0001C1C0H".
I am not sure if my IROM1 and IRAM1 settings are setup correct in the Target Settings of my Keil project...
i have two microcontrollers: STM32F401 and nRF51822. They communicate by uart with flow control. I use 110 Soft Device from SDK 10. The maximum baud rate when communication...
Hi All,
I am trying to update the HEX file of LED_mesh example using DFU bootloader over-the-air. The LED_mesh application HEX file gets uploaded successfully by bootloader...
Hi Nordics,
I copy pwm sample code into my proximity project, to drive a buzzer .
I init pwm before softdevice. but, once "SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT" is excuted, the buzzer...
i have a problem with nRF51 an nRF24LU1+. I use S110 and micro-esb library. I can switch beatween poroperty RF and bluetooh ( never run both in the same time ). When...
I wanted to use the SysTick timer for timing in my application, but even when writing a handler and trying to set it up, it doesn't seem like the interrupt is ever triggered...
hi I am i using Keil to debug the progam, it seems like that the printf() function can't work in keil, so i use jlink RTT to perform the printf function to collect data ....
i want to have a application in which a timer timeout say 5 second. and during this timeout there is another timer say 1 second. whenever the 1sec timer timeouts then...
The function sd_ble_enable(ble_enable_params_t * p_ble_enable_params, uint32_t * p_app_ram_base) requires now the application RAM base address! Is it 0x20002800?