I want send ble bond connection request from raspberry pi to nrf51882.
Can you please let me know which ble libraries I need to send central ble bond request to nrf51882...
Dear Nordic:
I try to use pca10040 DK and SDK is nRF52_SDK_0.9.2_dbc28c9.
Test nRF52_SDK_0.9.2_dbc28c9\examples\peripheral\UART the function work well on my DK.
Sometimes windows lose the connection to the nRF51 Dongle. The only way I have been able to reconnect to the dongle is by unplugging and replugging it to the USB port. I have...
app : nrf tools on git hub
s130: sdk v11
s110: sdk v8.1.0
example : nrf_ble_uart.
after modify, it happen, is there some definition shoud modify in app?
by the war,the...
the board advertising correct,and it work normal (connect,send and receive data),bug it's name can not display in app scan menu. the definition is "liu",but displaying...
with the new version of the bluetooth website, i can not find the link to overview the profile,service,characteristic and something else related to it.
thank you.
I've developed my BLE application that is based on nRF518822 and softdevice S110 v.8.0.0.
I've defined 6 services (4 with 2 characteritics each and 2 with 1 characteristic...
hi. Im working with nrf8001 type c in a self-designed board and im using arduino library driver on github by nordic. my mcu is stm32 and i ported library to my mcu.
I'm using nRF 52383 and need one of the GPIO pins to clock an external device with 4MHz clock.
Can any GPIO be configured as clock output or is there a specific group of...
Hi, all.
I want data read from gyro sensor through i2c, and then send it through bluetooth equipment.(PC or iPhone and so on)
My development environment is like below...
Hi everybody.
I am making a custom circuit which using external LDO with output is 2.5 volt.
Then I use this 2.5 volt as VCC_nrf for the nrf51 chip which using internal...
Has anybody used an nRF51822 (e.g. on nRF 51 dongle / Adafruit BLE Friend) as a central talking with a peripheral like the TI SensorTag? Is there a tutorial / example code...
I have been trying to pair my nRF51822 heart rate monitor device with my Windows 8 laptop. Every time it is unsuccessful and returns the message try add your device again...
Doing some testing of the nRF24L01+ with LNA PA module, i have noticed noise on the 1.2 GHz frequency, this noise seems to be larger than what is allowed if i was doing...
with ' nRF51_Series_Reference_manual v3.0.pdf ' , i want to know which pins can i used for adc purpose.
in the sample code.
void adc_config(void)
Hi there,
The s132 v2.0.0 production softdevice was released recently. How can I use it with the nRF5_SDK_11.0.0-2.alpha? or I have to wait for a new SDK release? When...
I have a bluetooth service which I want to have to initialise a TWI transaction (using app_twi). I want to get the data back from the TWI transaction, but I can't figure quite...
What is the pitch and spacing of the connectors on the underside of the PCA10004 and PCA10005 modules please? Is there a diagram showing dimensions anywhere in the documentation...
@Michael Dietz
Hi Michael!
I am not sure what happened to my last question regarding the BLE example using Segger Embedded Studio. It is no longer visible in the post...
i am already use sdk10 and Eclipse gcc tool chain set-up.. but when i am programming on nrf51822. so, it's not work. also, it's working on nrf51422 QFACAB0(0x0071)..
Hello All,
I am trying to create multiple threads for an individual tasks. But when I am creating new thread my program is not working and it's going into some infinite...
I have the ble_app_hrs example working well with DFU.
When I take main.c from the example code and put it into an RTX project, the DFU stops working.
Symptom: nrfToolbox...