I have an iOS application communicating with a custom device having a nordic 8001 chip.
They have established a bonded relation. In nRFgo Studio, in Security...
Hi there, thanks for your help in advance!
I have tried the nrf51-ble-ancs-nus sample from github and making it work on a 51822 EK board, i.e., it can receive notifications...
I try to use hcidump, capture CSR dongle on ubuntu14.4.
I can find SDK8.1.1 s110 keypad demo create connection fail.
HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4
LE Set...
I want to experiment with recording observations of the beacons with raspberry pi's.
Is there any precompiled firmware I can install on the nRF51822 smart beacon...
Hello everyone,
I am trying to communicate among 2 NRF24L01+ modules using 2 ATmega16A microcontrollers.
My SPI communication is working fine as I am able to write and...
Heads up for anyone using the IoT SDK (currently 0.8.0). This SDK has the TinyDTLS-0.8.1 embedded in it... and I believe that there is a bug in the TinyDTLS CCM functions...
A new library/toolkit has been built that allows us to invoke the services of an nRF24L01 from a Java environment. Documentation and links to the Github project can be found...
Hello everyone,
I am using the NRF5340-DK development board, but I am having trouble restarting advertising when my smartphone connects or disconnects from the board. Once...
On a new board based on nRF9160 I am having trouble figuring out how to bring up the board.
I am using Azure IoT hub and can successfully build an application that can connect...
I am working on automating the FOTA flashing process for 50 PCA10056 (nRF52840 DK) boards using a Python script. The goal is to efficiently flash firmware onto multiple boards...
We are developing a project that runs BLE, the Nordic Uart Service, the Nordic Distance Measurement toolikt and Async UART (NCS v2.9.0). The Peripheral device shall advertise...
Long story short, I trusted the datasheet (big mistake) where it says an external crystal is optional. In previous builds, I had an external crystal onboard anyway, so this...
I am developing Long Range and Pawr using nrf54l15-dk.
For the Long Range example I refer to E:\NCS\v2.8.0\nrf\samples\bluetooth\central_and_peripheral_hr and peripheral_hr_coded...
Hi, I'm trying to setup serial recovery in my project, in order to update firmware via USB cdc-acm.
I'm following this exercise from the academy which seems what I need...
After completing the OTA update, I executed the "otasoftwareupdaterequestor read-event version-applied" command but was unable to read back the version.
I then tried the...
Hello, I've been working with a custom board using the nRF5340, but I’ve been struggling with picking up any BLE signal from it. I flashed the network core separately with...
Hello again,
I am messing around with connectionless BLE AOA CTE transmission using NCS 2.4. My setup includes the Siliconlabs BRD4191A which is a 4x4 BLE AOA/AOD dual polarized...
We are developing a Bluetooth application that uses the Environmental Service to transmit various sensor data. Everything works correctly, but we have noticed an...
When building `nrf/tests/modules/mcuboot/direct_xip` with nRF SDK v2.9.0 for nRF54L15DK the build errors with the following ouput: Is there a fix in the pipeline for this...
I am doing a bluetooth dongle and I added MCUBOOT with CDC ACM to be able to update my app.
I find that the update takes a lot : 5+ min to update a 200kB application...