Hi We have an application where we what to read i2c sensor data over the air to an iPhone. We've taken ble_app_uart_S130 project and grafted in some twi_hardware code. There...
I am interested in the S130 ability to hold 3 central -> peripheral links over BLE, and am looking for some evidence that this has been accomplished with extremely low-power...
I'm trying to implement channel scanning in our nrf24lu1p based USB dongle.
I'm following the specs and basically loop though each channel ;
stop listening
I am using the NRF8001 in UART mode and attempting to bond with my android device (Lollipop 5.0 Nexus 6).
i am using the nordic arduino sdk which is found here:...
Hi, I'm using the nRF8001 in an application that requires security so bonds to the remote client/central. My device supports firmware upgrades that may involve new nRF8001...
Initially when reading the Gazell documentation I didn't think it'd be a problem but now in Keil seeing this has introduced some doubt whether it's a thing:
I heared a rumour that the NRF581922 will be withdrawn and an other solution will become available. We have planned the 581922 for implementation and want te release the product...
/* YOUR_JOB: Use an appearance value matching the application's use case.
err_code = sd_ble_gap_appearance_set(BLE_APPEARANCE_);
APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); */
Do I still have to call sd_ble_gatts_value_set() on the characteristic handle [using whatever temporary buffer I would have been using anyway for BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK]?
I would like to use the app_gpiote files from Nordic in combination with the softdevice enabled.
In the app_gpiote.c file interrupts are enabled using the standard...
As far as I can see buttons_init() initializes GPIO and sets up button_event_handler().
button_event_handler() calls ble_lbs_on_button_change() and always set static uint8_t...
I have problems with my iPad to catch data coming from key presses of HID keyboard profile. First, I programmed the dev tool nRF6310+PCA10005 with the HID keyboard profile...
I installed nrfgostudio_win-64_1.15.1_installer, nrfgo_sdk_2.3.0_setup and nrfprobe_v2_0_0_7252 to test nRFgo starter kit(nRF6700). I tried to test uart on nRF24LE1D. but...
I want to establish a link between two nRF8001 devices. Is there an example of how to do it? I am using micro controller on our application board to control the nRF8001 devices...
Dear Developer Zone,
At this time, it is possible to upgrade the firmware version using Bootloader. But, is there any way or any plan to upgrade also the softdevice version...
I'm looking for a wireless solution to handle 500-1000 of Clients per area. Because i',m new to Bluetooth i don't know if this is possible.
I using the application download the update firmware, and using the bootloader erase and write the firmware to flash.
And I changed the bootloader code, remove all...