When using nrf51-ble-driver_win_0.3.0 with Visual Studio 2010, after I put a breakpoint in my code, when I try to have the process "continue", I always get unandles exception...
Dear sirs,
Many thanks for the IoT SDK.
Just setting up the Raspberry I can't start the Phyton CoAP example as defined in documentation.
The envirinment is:
Hello everybody,
I'm getting crazy, I'm trying to extend HID axis values from 0..255 to 0..1023 max using the descriptor found in the example ble_HID_keboard/hid_joystick...
Hi, I'm testing the beacon example
(ble_app_beacon, Beacon Transmitter Sample Application ) with my custom board.
I use IAR 7.1 for ARM, Softdevice S110 ver 7.1, and...
I'm trying out S130 SoftDevice. I have 1 device with S110v7 which acts as a peripheral.
2nd device contains S130 0.9 (I've based my code on S120 multilink central example...
I've gotten the experimental_ble_app_s130_example_c_pca10028 (BLE Dual role application) to work with my nRF51-DK (modified for my needs). It's an nrF51422 chipset.
I want...
Hey I am working on nordic nrf51822 chip ( http://i.imgur.com/q8EM4uq.jpg ).
I want to run a bluenet code which i have forked from github.com/.../bluenet to github.com/....
Hello there,
I managed successfuly to build the 'ble_app_hrs' of SDK10 on my NRF51 on GCC MARS 2.0 using these two guides combined:
When i use the nrf_drv_adc with NRF_ADC_DEFAULT_CONFIG i get the following compile errors:
rf_drv_adc.h:127:27: error: 'ADC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY' undeclared here (not in...
I am developing a real-time system which triggers an interrupt every few milliseconds. That data is collected in the interrupt. When a memory buffer is full, the data is then...
i am trying to start a RTC0 on nrf52 DK with SoftDevice (s132) enabled with project based on "ble_app_template". The problem is that a sd_softdevice_enable() (called...
I am using the NRF52 Development board, on Keil uVision, to implement a C program that uses Dynamic Structs. The Structs re-size themselves ( by increasing their capacity...
I have setup a development environment using Eclipse and GCC. This setup works nicely. Thanks!
I noticed different examples in...
We are currently designing the hardware for a production run of our product using the nrf52832 chip and would still like to have debugging capabilities with breakpoints...
I have been learning GCC+ Make work flow to build and debug nRF51822 S110-only applications based on the examples from NRF51 SDK v10.0.0. I started with ble_app_beacon example...
I tried to work application.
But firmware stops at advertising_init(). When I exchange advertising_init() and services_init(), firmware does not stop.
why ?
S110 v8.0...
My device is nRF51822 SD110 8.0.0.
The problem occured after firmware update in bootloader (own, not SDK) with readback protection enabled.
So bootloader connects...
I am currently finishing my deploy script and I am currently using nrfjprog to write some custom UICR data. I have a contiguous region of memory to write but I do...
Dear Nordic team,
Beside other persistent issues with your proprietary DTM command for setting Tx Power (see here and here ) I've found that default Tx Power in ble_dtm...
How do I add multiple devices to a whitelist (as the central, adding peripherals), then use the white list for multiple connections? I have read both
I have nrf51822 QFACA1 and STM32f407VG. I'm programming nrf51822 QFACA1 using STM32f407VG SWD pings. And now I want programming BLE nrf51822 QFACA1 but I can't find any working...
I bought MOD-nRF8001 BLE Module for prototyping. I gave 3.3v Supply to modules's 3.3V pin & GND to GND pin. But, I cant figure out weather mODULE IS ON OR OFF. Its unrecoverable...