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    NRF52 SPI cant perform successive transferts 0

    I'm trying to read 8 adc channels using SPI, but then if I dont put some nrf_delay_ms the MISO return nothing and the CS is being driven low by default, high or a period of...
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    rbc_mesh_value_enable() is used for in mesh network? 0

    Does rbc_mesh_value_enable() API is designed for ? and how should I use it? and what does its parameter handle mean? Is it has the same meanning as the parameter handle of...
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    Is it a bug in open mesh framework? 0

    I use two nRF51822 boards running the ble_mesh_gateway sample project. I have modify the project slightly so to work on my board(juts modify the GPIO configuration , LED and...
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    game pad report 0

    Hi, I use nrf51822 HID keyboard. How to add a game-pad report as a second report in the ble_hid_keyboard ? How to init the function hids_init() in SDK. Thanks Gamepad...
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    ASA 5500 ASA 5500 0

    VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
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