Hi Guys,
I know this is more for software issues. But I was curious as to where I can find trusted case providers/makers for the nrf51822 Beacon. Can anyone from the community...
Has anyone converted the Adafruit graphics library for Arduino, Adafruit_GFX.h, to be compatible with the nRF51?
Could you please advise on how to convert this Arduino...
Hi all,
I have a few questions:
How is that ADC's common mode rejection capabilities? Rejection for 60 Hz interference, etc...
The datasheet has "typical...
Hi all !
I'm trying to evaluate the throughput i can have between a Motorola 4G and the nrf51. The nRF51 is the peripheral and the phone is acting as a central.
To do...
I have a digital microphone chip, it has the CLK, DATA, LR_SEL three pins, now I will pick up the three pin nrf5283 three pin is as follows: CLK connectionI2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN...
Hello, Nordic Team, I'm embedded designer from Russia, discovered your amazing wireless MCU NRF52832. I looked through your SDK and peripheral drivers, and unfortunately found...
I am trying to read the current time using CTS. I used the example source provided by nordic. However BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP does not occur in ble_cts_c_on_ble_evt.
Are there any examples of sampling something like an I2C bus at a constant sample rate? I have seen issues myself with the k_sleep and k_busy_wait not giving accurate delays...
soft device: s140
Compiler SEGGER Embedded Studio
1. I have used example ble_app_uart. I connected the ble module to a device which has a baud...
I'm looking for a little clarification on how the antenna tuning circuitry works on the Thingy:91 v1.0.0 board.
From a previous topic on the DevZone, I saw that...
I'm having an issue where I can't reconnect to a device after updating the firmware from the iOS SDK. I believe it's the issue described here in the documentation:
I am having responding to an authorized write request. It seems to work for BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS case but any time I try to set the gatt_status to an error, the call to...
This video presents how Bluetooth mesh network works . As we can see this network contains nine Thingys and one nRF52 DK (not...
I am now experiencing such a problem. I packaged 20 packets of data, each packet of data is 13 bytes, and then I want to send it out, but only 4 packets of data can be sent...
Hi everyone,
for a project, we need to interface an analog sensor which is not using standard protocols like I2C or SPI.
Instead, it uses 6 pins to receive commands...
Do you use code format tools for SDK? like .clang-format? Do you have own style guides like Google, LLVM? Which tool would you recommend for code formatting?
Does nFR5811 support the BLE?
Does nFR5811 support the Bluetooth5 and zigbee?
nFR5811 have Accurate positioning with the world's most popular wireless technology. how...
I have some questions regarding DFU, Bonding and iOS (caching). In my current project I have a DFU bootloader which does not use bonds, however the application uses...
Hi all,
I'm developing an application for the nRF52832 that pairs and bonds with an app that my colleague are developing for iOS. However we are facing an issue with pairing...