In nrf5340 audio application( SDK2.9.0), I try to set phy to 1M in CIS( 1 gateway,2 headsets).
I made these changes:
Add in prj.conf:
In C:\ncs\v2.9.0\zephyr\include...
I am developing Long Range and Pawr using nrf54l15-dk.
For the Long Range example I refer to E:\NCS\v2.8.0\nrf\samples\bluetooth\central_and_peripheral_hr and peripheral_hr_coded...
In BLE service whether can I use same Characteristics UUID ( Ex : using 0x2A6E / Temperature or 0x2A1C / Temperature measurement) with only difference in the description...
Hello Nordic Team,
I am working on the MQTT over Wi-Fi sample I previously installed the MQTT dashboard application from the link you provided https://www.zephyrproject...
seems like pixel 9 has an OS-update announced, but not out, does this mean a google pixel 8 is the best bet?
any other solid hardware that 'works' with le audio, cis as...
Apologies for a newbie question (I am far from a developer and just need to flash firmware)
I have a nRF52 DK connected to my PC running nRF Connect for desktop...
I build the NCS 2.9.1 connectivity bridge with
west build -b thingy91x/nrf5340/cpuapp
when I try to flash that with jlink, I get
west flash -- west flash: rebuilding...
We have an nRFgo nRF24LE1 32-pin 5*5mm Development kit.
How do we program this as a stand alone application without nRFgo Starter Kit Motherboard ?
Is there any tool or...
Seeing the Log on wireshark for Central and peripheral communication after connection.
Here i am bit confused that when Connection update request is send by Slave after...
Hi, I try to access Generic Access to get device name.
So, I modified "ble_bas_c.c - ble_bas_c_init()" like this.
I want to find Bluetooth address of the Central Device which is running Master Control Panel Application....
but after succeful connection, each time I try to find...
I am using serial communication to have data from a sensor. That sensor only can support baud rate 115200 to communicate. Collecting data from that sensor I am trying to save...
Hello Everybody,
I have read these articles on the site : article_1 &
I need to do something like that, read around 8000 sample with sampling rate equals...
I used the app of nordic , that puts the system off in order to measure the current at that mode.
the example i used is at this link . ( system-off-wakeup-on-gpio...
I'm very new and looking at the PTR5518 breakout board. The docs below specify some of the pins:
Are the pins EN , RX , TX , RTS etc. tied to P0.08, P0.09,...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to use the One channel of Timer 1 for PWM generation and other channel is used to measure the pulse width of input square wave.
For above i need...
When I try to step through my code, I get a wdt event firing. I have tried setting the behaviour to pause during debug and sleep
void wdt_init(void)
uint32_t operationStatus...
I would like to measure BER and PER on custom board by using sample project that is included SDK.
Could you please teach...
I'm powering a Readbear BLE nano using a CR2450 coin cell battery. The firmware application is written using mbed. How can I measure the battery level of the CR2450...
can i use timer interrupt has more than 1ms period??
((uint32_t)ROUNDED_DIV((MS) * (uint64_t)APP_TIMER_CLOCK_FREQ, ((PRESCALER...
Hi, I'm trying IOT SDK now and I got some questions
My devices: nRF51422 DK, nRF51_iot_sdk_0.8.0_f1f6187, iot_ipv6_coap_client_pca10028
Q1: Why is the advertising interval...