I am currently working on a prototype with Silicon Labs Thunderboard sense. I am looking for a replacement product that has NRF BLE module. All I need is a BLE module...
I would like to hide BLE advertising from normal BLE devices.
And only be able to see such advertising with dedicated scanner.
I was thinking of changing access address...
Im making a project were i have two robots each one with a device connected with a mobile phone. But at same time i want that, when they are near each other they exchange...
Hi all! I am attempting to download a file from a web server to an NRF52832 using the Nordic IoT SDK version 9.0. Are there any good reference librarie? I found a few for...
Please help to understand. How to configure nRf24L01 receiver for 4-pipe (pipe 0, pipe 1, pipe 2, pipe 3 ). But most importantly, how to specify the transmitter settings that...
I saw earlier post on this blog and viewed on-line video for LitePoint OTA tester that claims to work with all BLE chipsets. We have multiple designs with different DTM interfaces...
I am using Bluetooth device "NRF51822_xxAC_s110". My Bluetooth is not advertising when i dump the HEX file to the Bluetooth device which is generated by the Keil Version...
Where do I find a measurement report from Nordic which shows the average current consumption for a typical BLE application (1 seconds advertising period e.g.)?
I a writing my own interrupt and DMA based code for sending commands and getting events from the nRF8001. The 8001 creates an event for every command, but if you want to clock...
Hi ,
i read tha the default profile for BLE is GATT but in the BLE_templete GAP is used. How can i interpret this? Which Profile i have to use when i wannt support for...
My idea of sending a packet would be:
-regulary send a packet with fixed length (stated in static length field) to a base: i.e send the temperature =>4byte
I use the nRF51822 on the PCA10001 and nRF6310/PCA10005 boards. I modified the radio_tx_example and wanted to read the actual state of the radio. Therefore I used a...
Could I modify HID report descriptor length over 255 bytes? In Desktop1.2.2.293, the returned descriptor size is only decided by wLength LSB byte and ignores MSB byte...
I am trying to figure out how I can advertise with a custom UUID...
I know I have to start by adding a base address and then build on top of it. However, when I try...
I have a system that uses 5-byte addresses. The first 4 bytes are always the same, but the last byte has 4 different values. For test purpose I want to listen, from another...
Title says it all. My nordicsemi.com id/pw is not working here. (But it isn't working there either. I'm getting the following error, which I presume is some breakage in the...
I have a customer that wants to be able to have a single nRF51822 sends sensor information to two iphones at the same time. Is this possible? Can you pair a peripheral to...
I have a question....
I have real ECG device and I almost got PCA10001 development board. Studying about PCA10001 I noticed that this board has ADC. I downloaded...
It is not transparent to me, how can I determine this value? Is it a best practices value?
I want to implement Tx Power profile but I don't know where to get this...