running Windows 10 Pro 22H2 and using j-link v9
i tried to read firmware from nrf51822-QFAB by using " nrfjprog --readcode dump_nRF51822.hex", but it gave me an error...
We have an NCS v2.2.0 nRF5340 application with MCUboot that requires GPIO control of a few pins extremely early in the startup process. We have a signal "A" pulled...
Sorry if this is too off topic, I actually don't have any problem with my nrf52840 dongle, but the App I'm communicating with. But maybe someone of you has run into the same...
Dear Nordic,
is it possible to build a simple data bridge at speed of 115200 and up based on nRF51822 with CTS/RTS support and a fixed pin code for nRF51822 pairing?
I am working on a multi-node network application with multiple transmitters and receivers and I have a question about timing for chips like the nRF24L01+. I would like to...
In my case i have gpio interrupt for every 25ms. so i change button detection delay t0 10ms.
and i given timeout in all while loops of twi_hw_master.c.
but my...
we have nrf51822 custom hardware.
we are flashing application through j-link.
but after every flashing , i need to do switch off and on the device.
then only...
I have no power on my nrf6350 display
I programed the board with the display jostick example but cant see nothing on my lcd of the nrf6350
any advice?
I'm fresh in use BLE.
when i installed SDK, i could not install the lastest version v4_4_1,but can install v3_0_0.
My system is MS win XP Pro SP3.
Please tell me what...
i took the same example of BLE_LBS, as it is working properly in case of writing to the device, but when i implemented my own for writing to the server, it is not working...
I need to send more than 500 packets(each 20 bytes) to the master for every 1 minute, through the timeout handler. But i cannot able send all the packets, btle_connection_timeout...
i have some trouble with the method __WFI ();
I have the following code:
while(device_status == false) // Gerät ist im Schlafmodus
checkPowerConnector ( );
1.Can we use the Timer0/Timer1/Timer2 for doing something?
2.What source of IC the SD have used?
3.What source of IC we can use for our application?
4.I used the compare...
Hi - I am completely lost and I'm really hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm simply trying to get started with the nRF51922 development kit and nRFgo Motherboard...
I opened both the NordicSemiDemo.xcodeproj and nRFDemo.xcodeproj in Xcode 5.0.2. When I try to run them (Product->Run), I get the splash screen in the simulator, but when...
this time i have some encryption related questions to ask.
I use the "BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_XXX" to enble link encryption, doese this correct?
can i set the encryption...
Quick question regarding the boot process of the nrf51822. If a bootloader address is written to 0x10001014, will the bootloader code always be executed, regardless of whether...