I am using BLE_Gateway example defined in nRF51-ble-bcast-mesh to create an rbc_mesh over 2 nRF51422 devices . For now, I am just testing it out on 2 nRF51422; I will set...
I see when you import an example from the pack installer ( for example pwm, ble, timer examples ) it arrives with the misc controls --c99 on by default , so I cannot...
We're looking for a low-latency 2.4GHz solution (not BLE) and the nRF51822 is oft-quoted as providing low latency, but what are the typical ms figures we could achieve...
Hello all,
in my previous question (Switch between applications (multiple services.h)) I got the advice to merge my two services into one service, including a HID over...
I am trying to create an nRF8001 based application that will broadcast battery levels (pipes broadcast, set), and give out temperature data (pipe indicate - TX_ACK) to connected...
I'm using redbearlab's nrf51822 board. It is a arduino compatible board and hence it is using 0,1 (mapped to 9 and 11 for nrf51822). How do I make printf print to this...
I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0 S130.
I think "ble_app_hrs_rscs_relay" provides Central function and Peripheral function.
So it should be advertising right after running...
My program doesn't use SoftDevice.
In Reference Manual 3.0 page 52: "A HFCLKSTOP task will stop the HFCLK oscillator. However the HFCLKSTOP task can only be sent after...
I've looked at the example codes provided by Martin in these two topics for communicating to a MPU6050 through TWI:
1- devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ (uses SDK 9)
When we add a uuid will follow the steps below
err_code = sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(&nus_base_uuid, &p_nus->uuid_type);
// Add the service.
err_code = sd_ble_gatts_service_add...
I was looking the way to set different tx power values and also figuring out a small bug in the interface when you switch among payload models and payload length is >1.
Using nRFgo Studio as the interface I try to download the file “set_in _test_mode.hex” and get the error above.
What are the proper steps to get DTM...
I am trying to reset and halt the target nRF51822 under SWD protocol.
Could someone point out the register to achieve the same? I looked up the reference manual but couldn...
I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130 and "ble_app_uart" as reference.
As I've researching nRF51 with Central device,
it returns
Packet 0 : 020105 0c094e6f726469635f55415254...
I'm using long write in one characteristic but if I try to configure this characteritic with write authorization (attr_md.wr_auth = 1) it doesn't work. I need to send...
My setup is as follows
1 Gyroscope + Accelerometer
1 SPI Flash device
I want to set up the PPI to periodically sample the MEMS devices and the RTCC...
I am trying to remove the use of the frame pointers for bootloader_util.c because I am getting the error : "r7 cannot be used in asm here", but I only know how to...
I use nRF51822( BLE nano) central mode to connect annother BLE nano (ibeacon mode), then I call disconnection to the peer address. Sometime, the disconnection callback will...
i am trying to send data using ble_uart app.
in this app i am using timer difference to send data. when i am getting 1st data in uart event handler. when i am printing...
I would like to implement DFU OTA updates without the Master Control Panel, and I have a couple questions:
Is there example code for the client-side of the DFU service...