I try to run BLE HRS collector example.
when I run the project, in RTT terminal I have these error
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8...
Google open-sources the firmware needed to build hardware security keys
Google open-sourced today OpenSK, a Rust-based project to aid hardware vendors build hardware security...
I would like to store a simple integer value in the flash write and read after some event. I'm using the mesh example Dimming examples (experimental) in the nRF5 SDK for Mesh...
Has there been any success with getting the python bindings for the pc-ble-driver running on openwrt? I've succeeded with the driver itself but not the bindings....
Hi Nordic Team,
In my BLE project I'm creating a Test application which gets all the advertising data from peripheral devices. The complete list of scanned device is received...
Hello all,
According to the documentation and this feedback on a case there is a maximum size for a particular cert before nrf_inbuilt_key_write returns NRF_ENOBUFS . Can...
I am using nrf52840 DK, Segger Studio IDE, Win10.
My application is I want to transfer the image from iOS to the DK board.
I am aware of the Image Transfer...
Good afternoon. I use NRF 51822, and I want to use RTC 0 or RTC 1. But there are problems, if I do not initialize BLE then the compiler does not execute LFCLK_config because...
We are now developing BLE ADC sender, using nRF5_SDK_14.0.0_3bcc1f7, and two nRF528322s (sender and reciever).
We send SAADC data via BLE, after that, we disconnect, and...
I am currently using SysTick to count milliseconds in my device. This works fine, however with it enabled I can't sleep the device as it wakes up instantly.
I have tried...
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong so I'm hoping someone can help me. After updating from 0.11.4 to 0.12.0 of pc-ble-python-py, I get the following error. I've...
Please help to suggest if 10K Nodes in a single network with 100 Kbps data rate is achievable with data transmission interval being roughly every 30 seconds.
I have the debug section of the evaluation board turned off, modifications to measure current with a DMM set up, and am using a keysight 34465a DMM to measure current. The...
Here is the code snippet initializing the Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic in the BleHeartRateMonitor example:
static uint32_t characteristic_init() { uint32_t error_code;...
When using nRF Connect and 52840 Dongle, the normal BLE scan app works fine but connecting to the RSSI ap, the reprogramming of the dongle fails with timeout.
I have nrf9160 DK.
I found there is u-blox driver available. Is it possible that the 9160 modem can be added an interface as a modem using u-blox? If so, there is...
NRF_LOG_RAW_HEXDUMP_INFO() is not printing complete Extended Advertisement data in HEX format. It just prints first 80 bytes of whole advertisement packet.
I added below...
Hi Nordic Developers,
Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) is a protocol for Bluetooth to detect the service nearby and to determine their characteristics by using UUID.
I am trying to lower the sleep current of our custom board. Right now in sleep, the whole system have a current consumption of 100uA. There might be component choices...
I get answer from msromero that If zigbee network is open, then new zed can join this network.
What means that nework is open ?
I want zigbee netork is silently joinable...
HI, i would like to get device name and print to uart, but when i try to print the device name i got error character.
Here my snipet code and uart result