Using one ADC, the current can be reduced to about 40uA after the ADC value is taken. Using a two-channel ADC, after the ADC value is taken, the current stops at about 0.4...
I'm searching for a software engineer who can help us getting OTA support between nRF52810 and PIC16 MCU.
nRF52810 must have command- and data mode over UART, Pic controler...
I want to be able to read the gyro and accelerometer values from the MPU6050 sensor.
As a base start I downloaded the NRF5 SDK V15.3.0 and modified twi_sensor_pca10056 program...
Hi. I'm using nRF52832, SDK13.0.0.
I should use SHA256 and MD5.
I made my code as below.
NRF_CRYPTO_HASH_CREATE(init_packet_hash, SHA256); NRF_CRYPTO_HASH_CREATE(init_packet_md5...
Hi. I'm using nRF52832, SDK13.0.0.
I want to use SHA256 as below.
output32Byte = SHA256[input32Byte];
Which function or example can I refer to?
And also I want to...
I tried to port the example "ble_app_ipsp_initiator" to pc-ble-driver and run on Linux. The peer device is another PCA10056 device running ble_app_ipsp_acceptor. The problem...
i want to use two uarts in nRF52840 , one uart to one pc and another uart to another pc .Data should be transferred and received between the nRF52840 and pc how can...
I was trying to enable logging in the example project like blinky.
I've searched the Q&A in the forum but still have problem seeing the logs, the strange thing is that I...
Hi guys,
We are starting a fresh project these days. Let me try to describe our needs.
On one side, we should have a BLE module, as simple and small as possible, that...
My application is not advertising and after debugging i found error'7' in the line : err_code = ble_advertising_init(&m_advertising, &init); in the advertising_init...
In the I2C process it seams nRF52832 cannot read device acknowledge pulse from device due to the Nordic output do not goto high impedance during device acknowledge pulse,...
Is there a known limit for operational conditions regarding shock (max acceleration) and vibrations (frequency, acceleration and amplitude)?
I am asking because we...
I wonder if there is any way to program DK without physically owning it. Is there is any kind of simulator? Namely, we are in the process of developing for one startup, so...
nRF52832, SDK15, s132
When I have event PM_EVT_BONDED_PEER_CONNECTED, should I call
for secure connection? Or it secure connect will call automaticly from SD? Because...
Application Summary: My application is a mesh node that also implements a BLE central (to periodically connect to a BLE peripheral) and acts as a mesh relay with custom mesh...
I'm trying to get an idea of the level of security provided by various security features described in the nRF52840 specification and several of the application notes...
I'm currently setting up the nRF9160 dev kit for development and are having some trouble with "building" the asset tracking application.
Building ‘zephyr/include...
Hi All,
I am doing a Mesh development project with nRF52840 and a custom board. SDK version: nrf5SDKforMeshv320 Testing Example: light_switch
I had changed the port/pin...
The goal is that we can update the firmware version with the smartphone or tablet without having
need to go through the development tools
(cable, IDE, ...)
if so, how can...
In our firmware we're writing the entire contents of our UPDATE.BIN file successfully with flash_img_buffered_write's, but after boot_request_upgrade and a sys_reboot...