If some one else have trouble that the Nrf52840 Dongel do not mount using cdc acm on openwrt this will most likely help.
First number is the verdor id second is the product...
I am using "asset tracker" project in nRF9160 DK.
I want to update asset tracker application through HTTP.
So i migrated changes of "asset tacker" in main function...
I have a simple TCP client application running on the nRF9160. After connection to the server, recv is called and writes the data over Segger RTT channel 1, where on the host...
firstly, I have to say, I use MBED OS, if you cannot help me because of this, I understand, but maybe somebody still has some general Ideas.
I am trying to build an...
Hi everyone,
Currently, I am working on my bachelor thesis for creating simple network by using MQTT, BLE-6LoWPAN and nRF52832. I have three nodes of 52832 and one raspberry...
Hello everyone!
I want to form an Openthread network with three Nordic nRF52840 cardboards. I would like to monitor the traffic using a sniffer, but i can't receive any...
I'm using SDK 15.2. The bluetooth disconnects when I enable notifications on nrfConnect. This happens only if I increase the number of bytes to be sent. I'm writing...
i am currently using light switch example proxy server and proxy clients.
here i am using 3 boards ,2 board(node B &C) are programmed with 4 generic onoff servers...
We have a bluetooth product which uses Nrf52840 as the MCU. It composes of a peripheral and a central device of which connect with each other via bluetooth and they...
I have a question about "SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM V4.12".
I specify a hex file in "Project Options"-> "Debug"-> "Loader"-> "Additional Load File [1]". With this setting...
I have a question about TX Power.
SDK: 15.3.0 Example: ble_app_multirole_lesc Device: EYSHJNZWZ (nRF52832)
The device operates as a “Peripheral”. Is there a way to know...
Hi Devzone!
I merged app_multilink_central and app_uart_c on central side and used app_uart on peripheral side.
I'm using 2 peripherals and 1 central now, and those can...
Are there any examples for disabling/enabling peripherals at runtime for low power purposes on the nRF91 on ncs v1.0.0?
I've seen these threads but they didn't have the...
Hi all We are using nRF9160 gone through all tutorial like GPS,GPIO peripherals,Led blinking Now my main question is How to use PSM mode and eDRX mode program for nRF9160...
I am having trouble getting the nRF9160 DK to find a network running the Asset Tracker than came in the device. It appears to reset after 15 seconds of LED 3 blinking. I can...
I am trying to read from the modem on the nrf9160 DK using the AF_LTE socket and am running to a problem with reading the response from AT+CLAC. I've chosen that command to...
I have been exploring BLE and I am using bt_gatt_discover in my zephyr-based central device (nrf9160) to list the services on a Thingy:52. I am getting the callbacks as expected...
I'm running into an issue where in certain cases peer manager reports the presence of peers, but when those peers are added to a whitelist I get an NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND...
I defined an integer value _ALIGN(4) uint8_t sixteen = 16 and assigned sixteen to a FDS record that is later assigned to the p_data of a custom characteristic. However, when...
I updated to v10.3.0 of the nrfjprog and mergehex tools and I've noticed that the behavior of the page erase command takes far less time when it gets to a certain region of...