Dear Nordic Experts, This one's a tough nut to crack:
The firmware is based on nRF5 SDK for Mesh 5.0.0 with nRF5 SDK 17.0.2 and Softdevice s132 7.3.0. It runs on a nRF52832...
SoC: nRF5340 SDK: nRF Connect SDK 1.9.1
CMAC calculation works fine with SDK 1.7 and SDK 1.8. But it failed with SDK 1.9.1.
psa_mac_sign_setup returns error = PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED...
Hi, I'm pretty new to microcontroller programming so please correct my wrongs.
I'm using the Libuarte driver library to have the pca10040 talk to my server via serial connection...
Fllow the guide of Configuring and performing DFU over Mesh,I can update firmwre successful use DFU:
Source: Example/Dfu
Target: Blinky(about 180 segment)
Hi, I'm getting regular crashes with my app: SOFTDEVICE: ASSERTION FAILED. Using and NRF52832, SDK 15.3.0, SD 132 6.1.1, and Mesh SDK 3.1.0. With DEBUG defined, I don't really...
I'm trying to interface 2 SPH0645 mics to the nRF52840 DK.
Little did I know when I bought them (the mics) that you need to waste 2 timers + 2 pins + memory space to make...
I am trying to measure a signal using the SAADC driver on SDK 13. I have used the example from the nrf52 playground for low power ADC
I have a few questions on best...
I have a nRF91 development kit and want to connect P4 to the Segger Jtrace for ETM streaming. In the manual, it stated that a 2×10 pin 1.27 mm pitch surface mount connector...
Is there any way to get network time without previously setting it with AT+CCLK?
I would like to implement sort of "fake time" by initialising it with the network...
Hi, I'm struggeling with this stage on the "getting started assistant"
"Clone the nRF Connect SDK"
Is there any step by step video to help me do this, I have probably...
I have one service with multiple characteristics(11). Out of 11 characteristics I have 7 characteristics which have notify as their attributes. So when I select the notification...
I have been using nRF9160: LTE Sensor Gateway to send data from nRF52832 to the cloud. The nRF9160 is subscribed to nRF52832 and hence gets updates after every certain period...
I'm trying to use Power Profiler Kit (PPK) with nRF52 DK to measure the power consumption of our custom hardware. My setup is as described below: - The PPK is connected...
Hi,When I upgraded the device using usb dfu, after entering the app, there will be an additional current of about 180uA(Sometimes appear).
Somehow my nRF9160 DK board has become essentially unresponsive. Flashing new modem using nRF Connect Programmer, and downloaded nRF FW, "seem" to work. But nothing else....
The asset_tracker repo now has a file called: prj_nrf9160_pca20035ns.conf
Is this still compatible with the nRF9160 DK that is using pca10090n ?
What does the pcsNNNNNn...
Hello everyone,
im using the nRF52840 DK, softdevice s140 and the ble_app_tamplate example. In this example i can send data through the GATT protocol. But i want to change...
Hi ,
I would like to know if the .dat file inside the DFU packet is always the same or it can be different.
Is it Possible to fix inside the code ?
What is the .dat...