Using S120 V alpha, processing a BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP,
received 0x16 bytes of data but there is more to read. Next call to
sd_ble_gattc_read using the same connection...
Why Bluetooth Go to system-off mode, sd_power_ramon_set can not be stored. In D: \ RAM save nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364 \ nrf51822 \ Board \ nrf6310 \ s110 \ ble_app_rscs...
Recently I want to set up a dynamic network that with the node change this position ,the network will change dynamically.But there is the question,with the node's position...
Dir Sir. I am checking the current profile of nRF24AP2 in RX mode.
After "open channel" command, I found the peak current at 10ms interval until connection pass.
How does...
I am using Nordic's UART service to communicate with my project. I use iOS and also Master Control Panel (with a dongle) on a laptop.
I have two questions:
SWI*_IRQ is using by softdevice to send event to application, I want to know which priority does softdevice set for them?
Does sd_nvic_critical_region_enter() disable...
I am a started guy.
I only need a bluetooth device (BLE) to check the signal and mac address.
What is the best choice?
I need the smallest and low powered!
Thank you...
Can any one Explain me the Following Error
GATT INVALID OFFSET in the Clinet(nrf master control panel APP)
I am getting this error when i try to send more than 23...
we are designing a module with the nRF52832 WLCSP. As the module will be soldered on a motherboard a second soldering process respectively a thermal exposure will take...
I would like to load the blinky example on the nRF52 preview development kit. When I try to build the project I will get this error:
Error #541: 'ARM::CMSIS:CORE:3.40.0...
Hello, this question is similar to this questions (Scan request packet, answered by John DeWitt and Aryan)
I'm using
PCA10001 V 2.0.0 ...
We are using nrf51822 AB variant(16kb Ram, 128 kb flash). Due to flash size constraints we are still using s110 softdevice v5. Following is the linker script config:
I have setup my system for working with nrf51822 with openOCD and STLink to program it. The blinky went well. But now when i try to program it i get the following error...
I have just concluded a three year development using TI's Tiva ARM M4 chips, writing both bootloaders and applications.
I am using an RFduino to explore BLE.
I have...
Hi all!
Today I run tests in a public place (some Art Design College) and it looks that radio environment, that exists in the place, kills nrf51 completely....
My guess...
I want to flash DFU bootloader with keil on chip nRF51822-CEAA (256kB flash, 16kB RAM). I'm using s130
The areas i write to are:
IROM start: 0x3C000
I was wondering if it would be possible to add an event for Service Discovery (and other similar BLE stack events) that could be detected by user applications. Per answers...
hello there i have two nrf51 dk kits. now i want that one act as central and other act as server.
i want to communicate between two. can you tell me how to do it??
i think...
hello all:
IN s310 multiprotocol--ble_ant_app_hrm example ,I open the macro BONDING_ENABLE, then i compile,there is a error
......\main.c(674): error: #136: struct ""...
At the moment, we test the “Power Off” Mode for lower energy consumption of the nrf52 Preview Developement Kit (V1.0.0) in our project and I have a question about...