I have used your example of a bootloader nAN_18. I can create a basic program, with new firmware, and also load my new bootloader program at the high end of memory.
I'm developing some projects with the nRF51822 chip and I am not able to debug them successfully any more. However, I have previously debugged correctly some projects...
We've been seeing an intermittent connectivity issue in Yosemite in discovering BLE services, namely scanForPeripheralsWithServices does not return anything. The same...
Hi there is a problem in github.com/.../nrf51-UART-examples
any one can help?
I put empty loop in main, and comment off all ble related int. and I process uart_evt by...
When i install master control panel, i can't find nrf.exe in " C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\Master Control Panel\\nrf ". Only nrfutil...
I've been using the nRF51 dev kit, and today it stopped mounting when I plug it in. It doesn't show up as MBED or BOOTLOADER.
I use both Mac OS X and Windows, though...
Can any one tell me, what will be the current taken by internal flash of Nordic for
write and read operation and what will be the max time nordic will take to write...
Can someone familiar with the nRF51822 timer infrastructure confirm for me what the maximum achievable PWM frequency is, assuming 8-bit resolution? I've been weeding through...
We got the new sdk and ported the "Alert Notification Profile" to the EVM board. It can communicate with the the Master Control Panel. We want to know whether it can communicate...
hello, on my board the nrf24l01 is optional.
what is the preferred solution to identify if a nrf24l01 is present.
I tried to read the status register. But sometimes...
I am using Laird Bluetooth-4 device BL600 with smartBASIC. While communicating over the I2C bus I am encountering the Hard Pull-up on SDA line. During the Slave ACK I could...
The new pstorage abstraction is almost using 1K RAM, which I'd actually planned to use for something else :-)
Is it possible to limit the RAM used by this module. Can I...
Hi there
can I download the source code?
This app is able to detect the nrf51822 chip even with android 4.1, which is great, so I could test my firmware on my samung...
We have a custom board with nRF51822 chipset, We have developed the code to work with some senor peripherals, everything is working fine, but sometimes, when we do testing...
code:ble keyboard
How to send the VIRTUAL_CABLE_UNPLUG request by Bluetooth HID devices?
If Virtual Cable Unplug is received by a Bluetooth HID device...
the datasheet of nRF2460 “nRF2460_Product_Specification_v1.0” has a explanation “the MCLK signal on the ATX side is locked to the
reference (crystal)of the ARX...
Hi all
In the documentation for the function "sd_ble_evt_get" it is mentioned, that this function may be called directly in the ISR for the SD_EVT_IRQn or from the main...
I am trying to make the ANCS example run on my dev board but i would like to use my on makefile. what i would like to know is where in the memory mapping should we start...