I'd like to update a firmware which is essentially made of 2 parts, say 0x1000-0x8000 is a "read-only" part and 0x8000-0x50000 is a "read-write" part. If I flash this firmware...
I encountered an issue where my NRF54L15DK development board fails to connect to my Windows 11 PC. Upon plugging in the board, the LED near the debugger starts...
I'm trying to connect a SIM800L to my nrf52840-dk which I power through 5V USB. I'm a beginner at electronics so just want to make sure I understand how to wire things, please...
I would like to know what are the prerequisites to get the ICCID of the sim card:
This is the code I use, nothing special. I can get the IMEI of the modem but not...
Hello, just beginning initial investigation into nRF9151. Project requires communication to several I2C-based sensors and transmit data directly to cloud via LTE, using the...
I am trying to flash the Enhanced ShockBurst (ESB) example on an nRF52840 USB Dongle (PCA10059) . Since the ESB example is originally designed for the PCA10056 (nRF52840 DK...
For a project running a BLE connection and sharing data via the NUS service, we have seen that setting up Coded PHY (S2 or S8) will eventually produce an assert error as follows...
How much current can the nrf51822 sink per pin? In the datasheet, I can see that it is at least 5mA. I also see that the chip can drive 3 pins at 5mA, but can it handle more...
SPI master is 3rd party MCU. SPI slave is nRF51822.
If MCU sends a bunch of data to nRF51822 via SPI, at the same time, BTLE host like celluar phone try to connect...
I am using the PCA10001 v1.0 from the development kit and am having trouble measuring the same current as the one from the specification.
I am using the ble_app_proximity...
According to nRF51 Series Reference Manual v1.1 , section 10.1.3 there are 3 ways to leave debug interface mode after programming the chip. Assuming that my device...
i created one timer0 interrupt in ble_app_hrs.
void timer0_init()
I am new to ARM and nRF51822. I am using a development kit with the PCA10000 dongle and the PCA10005 daughter card. I wrote a simple C program (attached) to blink the LEDs...
Well, I'm a little in doubt on whether this is the right place to file a bug in the reference manual. Anyhow, I think it's easier and maybe it will prevent that another guy...
I updated the "ble_app_proximity" PCA10001 example for adapting the time constants of my needs.
In my device(nr51), have multi service and one client.
when i initial the client first ,then to setup service. this follow is O.K.
But, if i initial the service, and...
Keyboard source: Desktop 2 v1.0.5
Dongle source: 1. Desktop 2 v1.0.5 dongle hex; 2. Desktop dongle hex
I found it is very defficult to pair the keyboard with...
1. I have some puzzles,please give me some explanations,thank you!
In my design,I use some 51822 devices as tags which can communicate with the host.
The tags can send...
Hi, I want to know what's the differences between the NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_RC_250_PPM_xxMS_CALIBRATION and NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_xx_PPM where xx means a decimal number.
We've been working on a product that utilizes a NRF51822 chip as well as WS2812B NeoPixels. Since there have been numerous posts about it here we've decided to release our...
I want the NRF51 to respond to a received packet from a particular device using register TIFS to control the interfame timing.
For TIFS to work I have to set the...