Thanks Stefan. The zip file making and updating steps work perfectly for me, if I follow your steps and make it from your stock pre-built "dfu_test_app_hrm_s132.hex". My question...
I'm trying to configure my NRF8001 module with the help of nRFgo studio. I'm using Nordic UART over BTLE service template. The module can be discovered via nRF Master...
I'm trying to make a BLE device that actually pairs securely. I posted this question on StackOverflow but didn't get any answers - maybe someone here knows more. As far as...
I am using esb in SDK 11 and my understanding is that the radio causes interrupts that are forcing and cannot be disabled. These in turn causes software interrupt 10 to be...
I'd like to read and write data to the reserved app data space while in the bootloader. Is this possible with pstorage?
I am using 'pstorage_update' to store data in the internal flash. Whenever the number of bytes that should be written matches the size of a storage block everything...
Has anyone tried to generalize this example to different sized variables? What I would like to do is allocate a data structure, write that to flash, and recall it at a later...
I am trying the nRF51822 Evaluation Kit for the first time.
I have followed the instructions in the User Guide v1.1. The blinky_example works fine, indicating that...
Have you also wondered how to get serial IO (UART) with nRF51422-EK via the Segger debug interface?
[ ]Plug Eval kit in the USB port.
[ ]In Windows open "device...
i need to stop one of my Timer at the falling edge of a Pin. So i need a gpiote_interrupt, is this right? Can someone help me how i can do this? if i write something...
I have 3 inputs I need to sample every n minutes. I have an n-minute timer that can kick off the first one, but I need to run the second and third samplings in succession...
We are creating our own dev board.
What pcb parameters were used for the PCA10004-nRFgo PCB antenna radio module 2.0?
1oz Cu?
impedance control?
I have not...
We want to use the J-Link Needle Adapter for nRF51822
The attached (capture.jpg) is the pinout from the J-Link Needle Adapter datasheet.
the attached (capture2...
I have a wired problem with the nrf51422,
I'm loading the code using the J-link into my board or the evaluation board (PCA10007) that I have, the code runs perfect...
Hi all, I met a problem with measuring lithium battery voltage. I used 1Mohm and 250Kohm divided voltage, and used the internal VBG voltage as reference, and used ADC0 as...
I'm using a nRF51844
I'm writing my own ADC reading routines because I can't find any examples, but I know how to code so that's not a problem. I just want to confirm something...
does a code example or app-note exists that describes how to configure the SPI peripheral to use an ISR to transmit data to a SPI slave?
Thank you in advance!
Do you know of a "present" /not present" low cost 2.4 GHz RFID chip for static asset monitoring in WiFi environment. compatible with, and actively associates with 802...
I am trying to hook up nRF8001 to TI MSP430F663x via nRF2740 module.
All inputs seems to be controlled properly.
Once I release the nRF8001 RESET line, RDYN goes low...
I have a simple battery powered remote control device with a NRF51822 and using the Gazelle protocol for communication with the host.
To save battery the MCU goes...
The last few weeks I'm working with the nRF51422 and run in to several TWI/I2C issues. All of them I could solve except an issue with a SAA1064 7segment display driver from...